Access through untrusted domain Please contact your administrator pls help

Access through untrusted domain

Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the “trusted_domains” setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php.

Further information how to configure this can be found in the documentation.

What is your question? If you’re getting that error message, it tells you what to do to solve it:

If you aren’t the administrator for that installation, you’ll need to contact someone who is.

NC v27.1.1

Because the search pointed me here.

A user got this message by mail like mohanrao83:

Access through untrusted domain
Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator, edit the “trusted_domains” setting in config/config.php like the example in config.sample.php.
Further information how to configure this can be found in the documentation.

My config.php

'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
   0 => 'localhost',
   1 => '',
   2 => 'server-ip-address',

What else could be the reason?
Thank you!

Those are not real domains. Is your actual domain included? See HowTo: Add a new trusted domain