Why multiple trash and sent folders in the same email accounts?

anyone know why I could have multiple trash and sent folders in the same email accounts ?
Is it safe to delete the empty ones?

I am using IMAP , so not really why it’s syncing multiple folders

I am running version 20.0.8

I’m not sure if this is a nextcloud-mail-problem… could be an issue of your provider, too

I am the provider if you mean where is my email hosted ? nextcloud is connecting to dovecot mail server on ubuntu 20.04
If I connect to the same server with thunderbird there is no duplicate mail folders.

sorry my environment is;

Ubuntu 20.04
MySQL version 8.0.23
Apache 2.4.41
PHP 7.04
nextcloud ver. 20.0.8
Dovecot IMAP/POP3 Server Version