Why is there no "Close" button is desktop client?


I find very confusing to close the client Window by clicking on the upper “Red cross” (under M$ Windows). User don’t know if his click will only Close the window or also Stop the client causing to stop all synchronizations (like in a regular desktop app!).

Am I the only one to miss a clear “button”, displayed for instance in the bottom right corner. We can call it “Reduce” or “Close” which are non ambiguous(1).

Waiting for your replies,

(1) we should not call this new button “Quit” or “Exit”!

You probably shouldn’t use “M$”. It makes you look like an insecure tosser.

Does anyone cares about this opened question?

Feature request are better to be placed in the bug tracker, there are no developers here. https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues

Thanks I have found the original issue in the tracker which leads to this decision, see https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/494.
I’m still eager to ear arguments for this button removal.