Why is Nextcloud server connected to AWS Google and Cloudfare on private network?

My server is 24.0.7 . Looking at my connections my 2 ports are connected on port 443 to Google aws and cloudfare. Would like to drop the two connections. Not sure what the purpose is. Thanks in advance. I did look around can’t see any posts on this. Rick

I have not idea, if you can find out the urls can help a bit. Perhaps there is one service checking for working internet connection, but I don’t know what URLs are used.
Other thing might be apps that you install. They are perhaps just linked in the app-store and then are downloaded from the developer, they often host on github, gitlab, …

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I looked at wire shark when after the connection, maybe start it before hand. I think you are right. It’s probably an app. I started to remove a bunch already will try and do most of them to see if it stops the connections. I am a nut on keeping my network locked down. Wonder if other users have this issue. The connections are on port 443, and ssl. Will update…

There have been requests to list all the hosts that might be connected. Because of the apps that can be installed, you can’t give a general list (perhaps for the core stuff), and apps itself might connect to other services (news app, weather app, …)

Thanks for the help. I feel like a jerk. Was going down the wrong rabbit hole on this. Turns out its firefox going to the ip addresses. Firefox does dns over your request on the internet. My nextcloud is running well. Seems a bit faster since I removed apps not used. Thread can be deleted, Thanks again. Rick

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