Which services is possible to deploy at home?

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Hi, I use nextcloud storage on my Truenas scale and with mobile app. First time user.

When seeing all the products nextcloud have I got intruiged to try more.

But I wonder which products is possible to use for private use?

For some extra background. My family use whatsapp to chat/keep contact and everyone shares my gdrive for family photos. But I want to migrate everyone to nextcloud storage that I host at home. To keep our family data. Also would like to host the talk/chat function if possible so we can escape whatsapp.

I want to test all these for my family to learn the products and possibly sell the service to help local companies with this. (long term idea - perhaps farfetched).

So that brings the qustion, what is possible to test for free with my family?

Best regards,


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Everything is free that falls under the gnu license GNU AGPLv3.
You can try out everything up until 100 users

See FAQ - Nextcloud
for answers to your question.


Oh ok. That is really amazing and thanks for the reply.

But how do I check what is under this GNU apglv3?

For example I read about nextcloud ai but I only find “ask for quote” on the information pages. Would this not fall under this GNU apglv3?

Best regards,


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check the license from every involved file they use. Free Open-Source Software (FOSS) is publicly available. just search for it MIT License: LocalAI/LICENSE at master · mudler/LocalAI · GitHub is used but others contributed as well. depending on your installation these license apply GitHub - nextcloud/all-in-one: 📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.

Ive searched nextcloud ai license

https://github.com/szaimen/aio-local-ai/blob/main/LICENSE :slight_smile:

but most you will find GPL v3.0

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Which page are you referring to?