Where to install the Nextcloud server

I am currently planning the installation of Nexcloud Server, to have a private cloud of 500 GB, accessible by only 4 or 5 users.
I already have at home a secondary machine under Ubuntu 16.
I also have a web site hosted at www.whc.ca, with a domain name and subdomain.

If I understand correctly, it is possible to:
A- Install Nexcloud server directly on a machine with OS Ubuntu.
B- But I think it is also possible to install Nexcloud sever on the web, in a sub-directory (subdomain) at my web hosting.

Did I understand right ?

Depends on the hoster generally. They may allow it, they may not. Best is to ask them.

Tank for your answer…

So both ways (A and B) are possible ???

Even if hoster make it possible that is my case = [http://www.ctps.ca/serveurergo1]

Which of the two configurations is the most desirable (speed, performance)?

Whether A is better than B or vise-versa in this instance is all dependent on what physical resources your web hosting provider gives you vs. your hardware that you run Ubuntu on, and who has the better upload/download speed. I also know that some web hosting providers might make it challenging to do something like dynamic DNS and/or SSL certificates. I personally like self hosted because of the greater control you have over your instance

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