Where are my downloaded images on android?

Heyhey, I’m fairly new to nexctloud and pretty happy with the software so far! :slight_smile:

However I came across a problem, when trying to download images from my nextcloud app on an android device and uploading them somewhere else.

Where are the downloaded images located? Because usually when I upload something I use the gallery app and there everything is collected, however I can’t find the files I downloaded through the nextcloud app. I can’t even find them in the file explorer anywhere.

Instead of using the gallery app, I also have the option to open from “nextcloud” however I only get a page with “cant load content at the moment”

Can you help me find my files? :’)

Kind Regards,

If I open a picture with the app, it goes here /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.nextcloud.client/nextcloud

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They are not “downloaded” (download folder), they are synchronized.
Pehaps someone like to write an issue at https://github.com/nextcloud/android for a real download option.

You can use an app like “Save to File” and share them to the download folder.


Perhaps there are newer apps.


There was a security problem with this app.
But i think there was also an sharing function “ES File Manager Save to …”

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Thanks with the external app it works for one while. However I cant seem to select multiple files and share them, nor select a folder.
But at least for specific fotos it’s a good workoaround :smiley:

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This! Thank you!

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Now you can use Option “Export” to download it directly to yours phone folder.