Webui slow WAN download (1MBps), webdav fast WAN (100MBps)

Hi there,

I was hoping someone more knowledgable than me in networking could help me debug some speed issues. I’m running the nextcloud AIO docker image running hub 8, nc 29.0.8. I’m using a reverse proxy with nginx (no docker) as the front-end. My ISP connect is 1Gbps up and down, the server has 32gb memory, nvme etc. I’m using a letsencrypt certificate on the domain. I’ve cleared all(besides docker) iptable rules just to make sure thats not the issue. My findings are:

  • Local (from LAN) download using the web interface is about 100 MBps (got 1 gigabit switches) (ipv4 or ipv6)
  • Remote download (from work using webui) is 900kBps with chrome-based browsers, 5MBps with other browers (ipv4), remote download using different end-point same results
  • Remote download (with curl) using webdav nextcloud link is 100MBps (ipv4)
  • Remote secure copy (ssh, no docker) is about 100MBps (ipv4)

So my (probably wrong) conclusion is network is fine, docker aio + proxy is fine, processing power is fine. So what makes webui so different from webdav for remote connections?

I’d suggest starting by checking your browser inspector, specially the Network tab (and the Console tab too) while reproducing the issue. It may turn up some clues.

Also, do you have any errors or warnings under Administration settings → Overview?

Thanks for the suggestions. I checked the inspector, but nothing relevant shows up as far as i can tell. The nextcloud logs also don’t log anything special related to files.

In other news, I got the chance to test the connection from a true ipv6 client, and this did work like expected, using chrome and the web interface, around 100MBs transfer speeds. Which leads me to believe it is something NAT or router/firewall related since it is only ipv4 giving issues.

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