User logged out from talk when session_lifetime parameter set

Nextcloud version: 21.0.2
Talk: 11.2.1
Operating system and version : Truenas 12.2-RELEASE-p6 amd64
Apache or nginx version: Nginx
PHP version: 7.4.12

Hello I have a problem when having conferences with talk I get logged out from nextcloud after 5 minutes during the conversation with session_lifetime parameter set to 300 seconds in config.php. I want sessions to be closed after 5 min of user inactivity but when talking It breaks the connection and it is an inconvenience. I don’t want to extend session_lifetime parameter.

Is there any other parameter which will not allow to log out user from active session when using talk or this is a nextcloud bug? Talk should also send keep alive session packets.

I don’t know if it is a setup config.php issue or a bug?

Best regards
Krzysztof Banaszak