Upload to Google Cloud Storage fails

I have a new instance of Nextcloud, with an external storage set up, pointing to a Google Cloud Storage bucket (using normal S3 intergation).
The files in the bucket are visible in Nextcloud, and I can delete them, but I can’t upload new files.
I have checked that this is not a permissions issue on the GCP side.
I’m very new to Nextcloud.

The error I’m seeing in the logs when trying to upload an empty text file named DUMMY.txt, not sure why it seems to be renamed DUMMY.txt.txt in the outgoing call to GCS.

Sabre\DAV\Exception: An exception occurred while initiating a multipart upload: Error executing "CreateMultipartUpload" on "https://storage.googleapis.com/tbyrne-cloud-s3/DUMMY.txt.txt?uploads"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: POST https://storage.googleapis.com/tbyrne-cloud-s3/DUMMY.txt.txt?uploadsresulted in a400 Bad Request response: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid argument.</Message><Details>PO (truncated...) InvalidArgument (client): Invalid argument. - <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Invalid argument.</Message><Details>POST object expects Content-Type multipart/form-data</Details></Error>

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News about that? I have the same problem with my instance of Nextcloud installed in GKE.

Bumping this as well. I am having the same issue.

@mroman @Daniele_Piaggesi @tbyrne

would any of you guys mind to give out some more information about your affected intances? like OS, NC, Php, nginx/apache/, referring app-versions etc.

I am running NextCloud using the docker image nextcloud:20.0.4-apache.

I was able to find this seems to been very specific to GCP Storage buckets so far. I have successfully setup and tested to other S3 providers (BackBlaze & Digital Ocean Spaces).

Read, Create Folders, Delete works on GCP, just not upload.

Hi all,

Any solution for this ?

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