Upload speed slow on 10GBPS Connection

I have a fresh installation of nextcloud and I noticed that my up and download speeds very much suffer. They are around 2-3.5 MB/s Up/Download.

I am using Debian 11 with NextCloud 22.11.

Can somebody please help me how to speed the up/download speeds up?

First your Nextcloud 22 is End of Life. Maybe you can upgrade your Nextcloud. There are performance improvements the last releases. Upgrade to Nextcloud 25 or Nextcloud 26. Read Maintenance and Release Schedule.

And then you can read Server tuning. Maybe you can also test with a normal webserver instance on your server the performance to find out that Nextcloud is the problem or not.

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What @devnull said.

Also, you’ll have to provide more details on the underlying hardware/hosting platform, your web server, etc.

I updated my NextCloud to 26.0.1 and PHP8.2. I also set PHP caching according to this article :https://howtoforge.com/how-to-install-nextcloud-on-debian-11/

It’s still as slow as it was even after system reboots.

In this tutorial there is nothing about redis, this should reduce the load of the database. Furthermore, there are db cache settings to be improved:

What are you running Nextcloud on?

Also, where is your client in relation to your Nextcloud server?