Upload file size impossible not changing

What do you mean with docker? The docker container itself or maybe the nginx reverse proxy could be? I have double check the nginx proxy, but I cannot guarantee it is correctly set up…

I’m running Nextcloud 21 right now.

I have 40GB of DDR4 RAM, it seems reasonable for my usage to dedicate 8GB to nextcloud.

  1. and 8GB upload not workin well!
  2. nc21 use php8.0
  3. DB version ? should be Server version: 10.3.28-MariaDB

Why it is not working well?

Nextcloud official docker container deploys itself php7.4 (Docker) so that is what I’m using.

MariaDB version is 10.5.9

1 what you dedicated to run the instance could / should not be the same
2 use wahtever fits for you nc21 should be used with php8.0 toget better performance
3 db version that high 10.5.x and not usin php8.0 ok

doesnt matter
you have to fix your docker problem with uploading files

I’m open to improve my configuration. If you see so many wrong things, I can change them. Suggest me a better value and I will use it.

You are probably correct, and I will look at it later, once I understand how nextcloud and docker work together as I mentioned before.
Sadly not all human beings are as intelligent and with such a high knowledge of everything like you seem to be; the rest of us, just try to search for help and information in order to make things better when we not know everything about a topic.

good luck !

have you tried somithing from other sources

so just for starters !

Well, thanks for your help (now), but I’ve solved the issue some time ago. Just wanted to hear you complain about how wrong is my setup.

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good for you !

doesnt sound like that some hours ago !

have a nice day

Since my marked solution, idiot.

great sollution !
not able to upload more than 1MB …

anyhow who cares !
have a nice day

Two people fighting it out because they don’t understand the technology the other is using and/or don’t understand the technology they are using themselves.

Docker is different. Docker is another world. When you run something in a docker container “/” != “/” on the host. So, for example, /etc/passwd on your host machine is not the same as /etc/passwd inside the running docker container.

One command that is extremely useful is something like:

docker exec -it <container name> bash

This says "start-up a bash shell inside " (-i = interactive and -t = give me a tty). Then you can look around and see what the docker container sees.

For NextCloud, its docker container carries along with it its own installation of PHP. And this PHP looks at /usr/local/etc/php for the php.ini file.

However, exec’ing into the docker container to modify configs is not a good practice. What happens when the docker image of NC gets updated? Your changes are erased!

So it’s better to map a volume/file into the container. You can control it from outside the container and it’s there if the container needs to be updated. I do this on Synology and it has a GUI to map folders or files to the container, however, the CLI syntax is docker run … -v /path/on/host/to/folder/or/file:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini in the case of mapping a php.ini file. Check docker run for syntax.

@fnc sure wish you hadn’t run away and had detailed how you solved this problem for yourself.