Upgrading Nextant to fulltextsearch

You need to setup the App in the Admin Settings webpage of your Nextcloud

Verify that the information you entered there are correct.

I’ve done that (step 18). I selected elasticsearch as the platform (it was
the only option) and gave the index a name and pointed it to the local server.

Can you please verify the information you entered are correct ?

This error is simple and should only pop when missing the host and/or the name of the index.

Looks like there’s a problem with DNS, I had entered the servlet address by hostname and it was failing as per the error above. After inputting the address by IP, I ran the command again, this time I was met with this error:

~$ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ  fulltextsearch:index

  please add ingest-attachment plugin to elasticsearch

fulltextsearch:index [--output [OUTPUT]]

I found this rather odd, as I definitely installed ingest-attachment. upon attempting to reinstall it, it returned:

~$ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin  install ingest-attachment
-> Downloading ingest-attachment from elastic
[=================================================] 100%Ă‚ Ă‚ 
ERROR: plugin directory [/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/ingest-attachment] already exists; if you need to update the plugin, uninstall it first using command 'remove ingest-attachment'

I attempted to uninstall it and reinstall it, which succeeded, but after running the index again, it still tells me that the ingest-attachment plugin is missing.

Could you try to:

 ./occ fulltextsearch:reset
 ./occ fulltextsearch:index

No dice:

~$ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ  fulltextsearch:reset
~$ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ  fulltextsearch:index

  please add ingest-attachment plugin to elasticsearch

fulltextsearch:index [--output [OUTPUT]]

I’m assuming you intended for me to run those commands as www-data user?

you might need to restart elasticsearch after the install of the plugin ?

The elastic search service was of course restarted. I even tried to reboot
the server to no avail. The index will not run, it just thinks it is
missing the plugin.

any other advices?

in the file lib/Service/IndexService.php in the method initializeIndex() can you edit the line (around 85) to

throw new ConfigurationException(
	'please add ingest-attachment plugin to elasticsearch - ' . $e->getMessage()

and paste the result

someone tried to lower the case of the index:

Can you try this ?

Like the other useriI also am confused about what file you are referring to?
/path/to/nextcloud/lib/ doesn’t have a Service directoryand neither does /lib/. There is a file under /path/to/nextcloud/apps/fulltextsearch/lib/Service/IndexService.php but you told the otheruser this was not the correct file.

That being said, my index name also had capital letters, so I changed them to lowercase and now the index is running.

thanks for your help

Same thing happened lowered case of index name and problem solved go figure. The devil is in the details.


This is a very useful guide. Please add to step 18 that the index name should be lower case.

I also suggest not installing elasticsearch 6.2 yet. It did not work for me and I needed to downgrade to 6.1.3 for now.

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I found this rather odd, as I definitely installed ingest-attachment. upon attempting to reinstall it, it returned:

I had the same issue today. I definitely installed the ingest-attachment as well, but also got the message that it was missing. But what solved it for me was to just run

sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin  install ingest-attachment

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ fulltextsearch:index 

(without having restarted elastic service) and it went through then at that time.


The index of a new file is automatic or is need to launch “occ …”


you will need to launch the first index using the command line

@daniv i could install it without steps 12, 13, 15 and 16.

step 6: is currently elasticsearch-6.2.4.deb

@cult please where is the data of the index stored? I need to adjust the path because i don’t have so much space on the primary harddisk of the VM. For that purpose i have an extra harddisk which is big enough to hold the index data.

@Sanook the index data is stored in /var/lib/elasticsearch

Hello every one…

can any one give the solution for