Upgrade Ubuntu-Server 22.04 -> 24.04

Hallo Leute,
ich plane, die Weihnachtsfeiertage zu nutzen für ein Upgrade meines Nextcloud-Servers. Und zwar soll ein Upgrade von Ubuntu-Server 22.04 auf 24.04 erfolgen. Backup wird natürlich vorher erstellt. Mit welchen Schwierigkeiten ist zu rechnen?

Nextcloud 30.0.4
PHP 8.3 (habe ich schon selber manuell hochgezogen)

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Habe ich heute gemacht. Aufgrunde der vielen PPAs habe ich vier Stunden gebraucht.

Die beiden Links können helfen:

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Das könnte ein Thema sein.
Doch meine Ubuntu-Skillz könnten besser sein.

Bei mir hat es leider nicht geklappt.
Ubuntu weigert sich, den Befehl do-release-upgrade überhaupt auszuführen. Verwiesen wird darauf, dass möglicherweise PPA stören. Da ich außer den PPA von Ondrej/PHP meiner Meinung nach keine weiteren PPA installiert habe, habe ich also versucht, die zu deinstallieren. Das war ganz schön aufwendig, da Ubuntu leider auch den Befehl ppa-purge verweigert hat. Ich habe dann einfach PHP komplett deinstalliert und danach konnte ich dann endlich auch Ondrejs PPA deinstallieren. Leider hat sich Ubuntu danach immer noch geweigert, do-release-upgrade auszuführen. Dann hatte ich keine weitere Idee mehr, was ich noch tun könnte.
Werde also wahrscheinlich im neuen Jahr einen neuen Ubuntu-Server aufsetzen und Nextcloud frisch neu installieren. Ist vielleicht sowieso das Beste, da sich in denn letzten Jahren zunehmend die Fehlermeldung gehäuft haben. Ich kann dann auch einige Anfängerfehler korrigieren, die mir beim ersten Aufsetzen der Nextcloud unterlaufen sind. Z.B. hatte ich Nextcloud in den html-Ordner installiert und nicht in den www-Ordner, was ja wohl auch ständig zu irgendwelchen Fehlermeldungen führt.
Ondrejs PPA werde ich auch nicht noch einmal installieren, obwohl ich letztendlich natürlich nicht genau weiß, ob sie jetzt die Ursache dafür sind, dass ich meine erste Nextcloud nach 5 Jahren beerdigen werde. Mein Bauchgefühl sagt aber ja.

Ich kann nur immer wieder wiederholt die Anleitungen von @DecaTec oder Christian Rieger empfehlen, die stetig aktualisiert und optimiert werden.

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Hatte die Tage das gleiche vor mir.

Lies doch mal die logs vom upgrade script.
Ich musst wenige packages deinstallieren (alle hatten nichts mit ondrej oder nextcloud zu tun), dann lief das ganze.

Ich habe mir die Log-Dateien nun durchgelesen.
Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung, wo das Problem sein könnte.


2025-01-06 17:46:34,851 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 92449

2025-01-06 17:46:34,851 DEBUG doPostInitialUpdate

2025-01-06 17:46:34,851 DEBUG quirks: running noblePostInitialUpdate

2025-01-06 17:46:34,851 DEBUG running Quirks.noblePostInitialUpdate

2025-01-06 17:46:34,907 DEBUG Checking that system is /usr-merged

2025-01-06 17:46:36,278 DEBUG Snap canonical-livepatch is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:36,278 DEBUG Snap canonical-livepatch is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:36,491 DEBUG Snap certbot is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:36,491 DEBUG Snap certbot is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:36,707 DEBUG Snap core is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:36,707 DEBUG Snap core is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:36,930 DEBUG Snap core18 is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:36,931 DEBUG Snap core18 is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:37,791 DEBUG Snap core20 is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:37,792 DEBUG Snap core20 is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:37,982 DEBUG Snap core22 is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:37,983 DEBUG Snap core22 is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:38,168 DEBUG Snap core24 is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:38,168 DEBUG Snap core24 is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:38,604 DEBUG Snap lxd is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:38,801 DEBUG Snap snapd is installed

2025-01-06 17:46:38,801 DEBUG Snap snapd is not tracking the release channel

2025-01-06 17:46:40,140 DEBUG MetaPkgs:

2025-01-06 17:46:40,140 DEBUG MetaPkgs:

2025-01-06 17:46:41,739 DEBUG Foreign: debsuryorg-archive-keyring imagemagick imagemagick-6-common imagemagick-6.q16 libapache2-mod-php8.3 libde265-0 libgd3 libheif1 libmagickcore-6.q16-6 >

2025-01-06 17:46:41,739 DEBUG Obsolete:

2025-01-06 17:46:41,740 DEBUG updateSourcesList()

2025-01-06 17:46:41,766 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList() with mirror_check

2025-01-06 17:46:41,766 DEBUG ['ubuntu-minimal', 'ubuntu-standard']

2025-01-06 17:46:41,766 DEBUG Checking pkg: ubuntu-minimal

2025-01-06 17:46:41,769 DEBUG Checking pkg: ubuntu-standard

2025-01-06 17:46:41,772 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main restricted'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,772 DEBUG verifySourcesListEntry: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main restricted

2025-01-06 17:46:41,772 DEBUG url_downloadable: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release

2025-01-06 17:46:41,772 DEBUG s='http' n='de.archive.ubuntu.com' p='/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release' q='' f=''

2025-01-06 17:46:41,852 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main restricted' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,852 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates main restricted'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,852 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates main restricted' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy universe'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble universe' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates universe'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates universe' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy universe'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble universe' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates universe'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates universe' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-backports main restricted universe multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,853 DEBUG entry 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:41,854 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted'

2025-01-06 17:46:41,854 DEBUG verifySourcesListEntry: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main restricted

2025-01-06 17:46:41,854 DEBUG url_downloadable: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release

2025-01-06 17:46:41,854 DEBUG s='http' n='security.ubuntu.com' p='/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release' q='' f=''

2025-01-06 17:46:42,105 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-security main restricted' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:42,105 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe'

2025-01-06 17:46:42,106 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-security universe' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse'

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-security multiverse' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG examining: 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu jammy-infra-security main'

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG verifySourcesListEntry: deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu noble main

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG url_downloadable: https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release

2025-01-06 17:46:42,107 DEBUG s='https' n='esm.ubuntu.com' p='/infra/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release' q='' f=''

2025-01-06 17:46:42,839 DEBUG entry 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu noble-infra-security main' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:42,839 DEBUG examining: 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu jammy-infra-updates main'

2025-01-06 17:46:42,839 DEBUG entry 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ubuntu noble-infra-updates main' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:42,840 DEBUG examining: 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu jammy-apps-security main'

2025-01-06 17:46:42,840 DEBUG verifySourcesListEntry: deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu noble main

2025-01-06 17:46:42,840 DEBUG url_downloadable: https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release

2025-01-06 17:46:42,840 DEBUG s='https' n='esm.ubuntu.com' p='/apps/ubuntu/dists/noble/Release' q='' f=''

2025-01-06 17:46:43,557 DEBUG entry 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu noble-apps-security main' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:43,558 DEBUG examining: 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu jammy-apps-updates main'

2025-01-06 17:46:43,558 DEBUG entry 'deb https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu noble-apps-updates main' updated to new dist

2025-01-06 17:46:43,603 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True)

2025-01-06 17:47:03,608 DEBUG openCache()

2025-01-06 17:47:04,287 DEBUG Comparing 5.15.0-127 with

2025-01-06 17:47:04,287 DEBUG Comparing 5.15.0-130 with 5.15.0-127

2025-01-06 17:47:04,423 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 78905

2025-01-06 17:47:04,424 DEBUG need_server_mode(): can not find a desktop meta package or key deps, running in server mode

2025-01-06 17:47:04,425 DEBUG quirks: running PreDistUpgradeCache

2025-01-06 17:47:04,425 DEBUG running Quirks.PreDistUpgradeCache

2025-01-06 17:47:04,425 INFO No mail-transport-agent installed, marking gpg-wks-server for removal

2025-01-06 17:47:04,508 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libabsl20210324

2025-01-06 17:47:04,508 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libabsl20210324

2025-01-06 17:47:04,508 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libabsl20210324

2025-01-06 17:47:04,508 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libaio1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,509 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libaio1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,510 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libappstream4

2025-01-06 17:47:04,510 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libappstream4

2025-01-06 17:47:04,510 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libapr1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,510 DEBUG Found replacement libapr1t64 for libapr1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,552 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libaprutil1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,552 DEBUG Found replacement libaprutil1t64 for libaprutil1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,592 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libapt-pkg6.0

2025-01-06 17:47:04,593 DEBUG Found replacement libapt-pkg6.0t64 for libapt-pkg6.0

2025-01-06 17:47:04,633 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libarchive13

2025-01-06 17:47:04,633 DEBUG Found replacement libarchive13t64 for libarchive13

2025-01-06 17:47:04,673 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libatm1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,673 DEBUG Found replacement libatm1t64 for libatm1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,715 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libavif13

2025-01-06 17:47:04,716 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libavif13

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-crypto2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-crypto2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-fs2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-fs2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-loop2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-loop2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-part-err2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,717 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-part-err2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-part2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-part2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-swap2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-swap2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev-utils2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev-utils2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libblockdev2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,718 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libblockdev2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,719 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libbpf0

2025-01-06 17:47:04,719 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libbpf0

2025-01-06 17:47:04,721 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libcbor0.8

2025-01-06 17:47:04,721 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libcbor0.8

2025-01-06 17:47:04,726 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libcups2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,726 DEBUG Found replacement libcups2t64 for libcups2

2025-01-06 17:47:04,766 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libcurl3-gnutls

2025-01-06 17:47:04,767 DEBUG Found replacement libcurl3t64-gnutls for libcurl3-gnutls

2025-01-06 17:47:04,806 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libcurl4

2025-01-06 17:47:04,806 DEBUG Found replacement libcurl4t64 for libcurl4

2025-01-06 17:47:04,847 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libdav1d5

2025-01-06 17:47:04,847 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libdav1d5

2025-01-06 17:47:04,847 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libdb5.3

2025-01-06 17:47:04,848 DEBUG Found replacement libdb5.3t64 for libdb5.3

2025-01-06 17:47:04,889 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libdns-export1110

2025-01-06 17:47:04,890 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libdns-export1110

2025-01-06 17:47:04,890 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libdw1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,890 DEBUG Found replacement libdw1t64 for libdw1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,931 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libefiboot1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,931 DEBUG Found replacement libefiboot1t64 for libefiboot1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,971 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libefivar1

2025-01-06 17:47:04,971 DEBUG Found replacement libefivar1t64 for libefivar1

2025-01-06 17:47:05,012 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libelf1

2025-01-06 17:47:05,012 DEBUG Found replacement libelf1t64 for libelf1

2025-01-06 17:47:05,052 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libevent-core-2.1-7

2025-01-06 17:47:05,053 DEBUG Found replacement libevent-core-2.1-7t64 for libevent-core-2.1-7

2025-01-06 17:47:05,093 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libevent-pthreads-2.1-7

2025-01-06 17:47:05,093 DEBUG Found replacement libevent-pthreads-2.1-7t64 for libevent-pthreads-2.1-7

2025-01-06 17:47:05,133 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libext2fs2

2025-01-06 17:47:05,133 DEBUG Found replacement libext2fs2t64 for libext2fs2

2025-01-06 17:47:05,173 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libfcgi0ldbl

2025-01-06 17:47:05,173 DEBUG Found replacement libfcgi0t64 for libfcgi0ldbl

2025-01-06 17:47:05,214 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libfwupdplugin5

2025-01-06 17:47:05,214 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libfwupdplugin5

2025-01-06 17:47:05,215 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgav1-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,215 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libgav1-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,216 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgdbm-compat4

2025-01-06 17:47:05,216 DEBUG Found replacement libgdbm-compat4t64 for libgdbm-compat4

2025-01-06 17:47:05,256 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgdbm6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,257 DEBUG Found replacement libgdbm6t64 for libgdbm6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,308 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libglib2.0-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,313 DEBUG Found replacement libglib2.0-0t64 for libglib2.0-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,358 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgnutls30

2025-01-06 17:47:05,359 DEBUG Found replacement libgnutls30t64 for libgnutls30

2025-01-06 17:47:05,400 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgpgme11

2025-01-06 17:47:05,400 DEBUG Found replacement libgpgme11t64 for libgpgme11

2025-01-06 17:47:05,443 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgs9

2025-01-06 17:47:05,443 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libgs9

2025-01-06 17:47:05,443 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libgs9-common

2025-01-06 17:47:05,443 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libgs9-common

2025-01-06 17:47:05,445 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libhogweed6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,445 DEBUG Found replacement libhogweed6t64 for libhogweed6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,485 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libicu70

2025-01-06 17:47:05,486 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libicu70

2025-01-06 17:47:05,486 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libilmbase25

2025-01-06 17:47:05,486 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libilmbase25

2025-01-06 17:47:05,487 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libisc-export1105

2025-01-06 17:47:05,487 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libisc-export1105

2025-01-06 17:47:05,488 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libisns0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,488 DEBUG Found replacement libisns0t64 for libisns0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,530 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libjxr0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,531 DEBUG Found replacement libjxr0t64 for libjxr0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,572 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libldap-2.5-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,573 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libldap-2.5-0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,575 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmagic1

2025-01-06 17:47:05,575 DEBUG Found replacement libmagic1t64 for libmagic1

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmagickcore-6.q16-6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libmagickcore-6.q16-6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmagickwand-6.q16-6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,616 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libmagickwand-6.q16-6

2025-01-06 17:47:05,620 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmpdec3

2025-01-06 17:47:05,620 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libmpdec3

2025-01-06 17:47:05,620 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libmspack0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,620 DEBUG Found replacement libmspack0t64 for libmspack0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libnetpbm10

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libnetpbm10

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libnetplan0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libnetplan0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libnettle8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,664 DEBUG Found replacement libnettle8t64 for libnettle8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,704 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libnpth0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,704 DEBUG Found replacement libnpth0t64 for libnpth0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,744 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libntfs-3g89

2025-01-06 17:47:05,744 DEBUG Found replacement libntfs-3g89t64 for libntfs-3g89

2025-01-06 17:47:05,787 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libopenexr25

2025-01-06 17:47:05,787 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libopenexr25

2025-01-06 17:47:05,789 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libparted-fs-resize0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,789 DEBUG Found replacement libparted-fs-resize0t64 for libparted-fs-resize0

2025-01-06 17:47:05,829 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libparted2

2025-01-06 17:47:05,829 DEBUG Found replacement libparted2t64 for libparted2

2025-01-06 17:47:05,871 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpcap0.8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,871 DEBUG Found replacement libpcap0.8t64 for libpcap0.8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,913 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libperl5.34

2025-01-06 17:47:05,914 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libperl5.34

2025-01-06 17:47:05,915 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libplist3

2025-01-06 17:47:05,915 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libplist3

2025-01-06 17:47:05,915 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpng16-16

2025-01-06 17:47:05,915 DEBUG Found replacement libpng16-16t64 for libpng16-16

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libprocps8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libprocps8

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libprotobuf-lite23

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libprotobuf-lite23

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpsl5

2025-01-06 17:47:05,957 DEBUG Found replacement libpsl5t64 for libpsl5

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpython3.10

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libpython3.10

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpython3.10-minimal

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libpython3.10-minimal

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libpython3.10-stdlib

2025-01-06 17:47:05,999 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libpython3.10-stdlib

2025-01-06 17:47:06,001 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libreadline8

2025-01-06 17:47:06,001 DEBUG Found replacement libreadline8t64 for libreadline8

2025-01-06 17:47:06,054 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libsgutils2-2

2025-01-06 17:47:06,055 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libsgutils2-2

2025-01-06 17:47:06,057 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libssl3

2025-01-06 17:47:06,057 DEBUG Found replacement libssl3t64 for libssl3

2025-01-06 17:47:06,103 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtiff5

2025-01-06 17:47:06,103 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libtiff5

2025-01-06 17:47:06,104 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtirpc3

2025-01-06 17:47:06,104 DEBUG Found replacement libtirpc3t64 for libtirpc3

2025-01-06 17:47:06,145 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,146 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64 for libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,185 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-mu0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,185 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libtss2-mu0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,186 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-sys1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,186 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-sys1t64 for libtss2-sys1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,225 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-tcti-cmd0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,226 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64 for libtss2-tcti-cmd0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,266 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-tcti-device0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,267 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-tcti-device0t64 for libtss2-tcti-device0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,306 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-tcti-mssim0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,306 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64 for libtss2-tcti-mssim0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,346 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libtss2-tcti-swtpm0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,347 DEBUG Found replacement libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64 for libtss2-tcti-swtpm0

2025-01-06 17:47:06,387 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libunistring2

2025-01-06 17:47:06,387 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for libunistring2

2025-01-06 17:47:06,387 DEBUG Searching for replacement for liburcu8

2025-01-06 17:47:06,387 DEBUG Found replacement liburcu8t64 for liburcu8

2025-01-06 17:47:06,427 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libuv1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,427 DEBUG Found replacement libuv1t64 for libuv1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,472 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libxmlsec1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,473 DEBUG Found replacement libxmlsec1t64 for libxmlsec1

2025-01-06 17:47:06,513 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libxmlsec1-openssl

2025-01-06 17:47:06,513 DEBUG Found replacement libxmlsec1t64-openssl for libxmlsec1-openssl

2025-01-06 17:47:06,553 DEBUG Searching for replacement for libzip4

2025-01-06 17:47:06,554 DEBUG Found replacement libzip4t64 for libzip4

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-127

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-127

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-130

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-130

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,596 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-headers-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,597 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-image-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,597 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-image-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,597 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-image-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,597 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-image-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,599 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-modules-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,600 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-modules-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,600 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-modules-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,600 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-modules-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,601 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,601 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-127-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,601 DEBUG Searching for replacement for linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,601 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-130-generic

2025-01-06 17:47:06,618 DEBUG Searching for replacement for mime-support

2025-01-06 17:47:06,618 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for mime-support

2025-01-06 17:47:06,634 DEBUG Searching for replacement for perl-modules-5.34

2025-01-06 17:47:06,634 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for perl-modules-5.34

2025-01-06 17:47:06,635 DEBUG Searching for replacement for php-dompdf

2025-01-06 17:47:06,635 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for php-dompdf

2025-01-06 17:47:06,649 DEBUG Searching for replacement for python3-distutils

2025-01-06 17:47:06,649 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for python3-distutils

2025-01-06 17:47:06,661 DEBUG Searching for replacement for python3.10

2025-01-06 17:47:06,661 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for python3.10

2025-01-06 17:47:06,661 DEBUG Searching for replacement for python3.10-minimal

2025-01-06 17:47:06,661 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for python3.10-minimal

2025-01-06 17:47:06,686 DEBUG Searching for replacement for usrmerge

2025-01-06 17:47:06,686 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for usrmerge

2025-01-06 17:47:07,280 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.'

2025-01-06 17:47:07,299 DEBUG abort called

2025-01-06 17:47:07,300 DEBUG openCache()

2025-01-06 17:47:09,472 DEBUG Comparing 5.15.0-127 with

2025-01-06 17:47:09,472 DEBUG Comparing 5.15.0-130 with 5.15.0-127

2025-01-06 17:47:09,665 DEBUG /openCache(), new cache size 92449

Und hier noch die apt.log:

Teil 1:

MarkDelete gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umH > FU=1
  MarkDelete libapr1:amd64 < 1.7.0-8ubuntu0.22.04.2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libaprutil1:amd64 < 1.6.1-5ubuntu4.22.04.2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libapt-pkg6.0:amd64 < 2.4.13 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libarchive13:amd64 < 3.6.0-1ubuntu1.3 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libatm1:amd64 < 1:2.5.1-4build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libcups2:amd64 < 2.4.1op1-1ubuntu4.11 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libcurl4:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libdb5.3:amd64 < 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.8ubuntu3 @ii mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libdw1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libefiboot1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libefivar1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libelf1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libevent-core-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libevent-pthreads-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii gK Ib > FU=1
  MarkDelete libext2fs2:amd64 < 1.46.5-2ubuntu1.2 @ii mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libfcgi0ldbl:amd64 < 2.4.2-2build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libgdbm-compat4:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libgdbm6:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libglib2.0-0:amd64 < 2.72.4-0ubuntu2.4 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libgnutls30:amd64 < 3.7.3-4ubuntu1.5 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libgpgme11:amd64 < 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libhogweed6:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libisns0:amd64 < 0.101-0ubuntu2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libjxr0:amd64 < 1.2~git20170615.f752187-5 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libmagic1:amd64 < 1:5.41-3ubuntu0.1 @ii mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libmspack0:amd64 < 0.10.1-2build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libnettle8:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libnpth0:amd64 < 1.6-3build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libntfs-3g89:amd64 < 1:2021.8.22-3ubuntu1.2 @ii mK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libparted-fs-resize0:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libparted2:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libpcap0.8:amd64 < 1.10.1-4ubuntu1.22.04.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libpng16-16:amd64 < 1.6.37-3build5 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libpsl5:amd64 < 0.21.0-1.2build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libreadline8:amd64 < 8.1.2-1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libssl3:amd64 < 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.18 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtirpc3:amd64 < 1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-sys1:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-tcti-cmd0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-tcti-device0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-tcti-mssim0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libtss2-tcti-swtpm0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete liburcu8:amd64 < 0.13.1-1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libuv1:amd64 < 1.43.0-1ubuntu0.1 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libxmlsec1:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libxmlsec1-openssl:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii gK > FU=1
  MarkDelete libzip4:amd64 < 1.7.3-1ubuntu2 @ii gK > FU=1
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-pthreads-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcups2:amd64 < 2.4.1op1-1ubuntu4.11 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl4:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpmux3:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm-compat4:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libext2fs2:amd64 < 1.46.5-2ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnettle8:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-cmd0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libntfs-3g89:amd64 < 1:2021.8.22-3ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libnetpbm10:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 @hi mK >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-device0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of netpbm:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 | 2:11.05.02-1.1build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libarchive13:amd64 < 3.6.0-1ubuntu1.3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapr1:amd64 < 1.7.0-8ubuntu0.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libcairo2:amd64 < 1.16.0-5ubuntu2 | 1.18.0-3build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libatm1:amd64 < 1:2.5.1-4build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdb5.3:amd64 < 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.8ubuntu3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapt-pkg6.0:amd64 < 2.4.13 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefivar1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-swtpm0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmagic1:amd64 < 1:5.41-3ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpdemux2:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmspack0:amd64 < 0.10.1-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libgraphite2-3:amd64 < 1.3.14-1build2 | 1.3.14-2build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgpgme11:amd64 < 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH IPb >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpng16-16:amd64 < 1.6.37-3build5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libreadline8:amd64 < 8.1.2-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnpth0:amd64 < 1.6-3build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libfcgi0ldbl:amd64 < 2.4.2-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libsodium23:amd64 < 1.0.18-1build2 | 1.0.18-1build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpcap0.8:amd64 < 1.10.1-4ubuntu1.22.04.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libssl3:amd64 < 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.18 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefiboot1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libaprutil1:amd64 < 1.6.1-5ubuntu4.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-mssim0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of pinentry-curses:amd64 < 1.1.1-1build2 | 1.2.1-3ubuntu5 @hi umH >
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebp7:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libzip4:amd64 < 1.7.3-1ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libglib2.0-0:amd64 < 2.72.4-0ubuntu2.4 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-sys1:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted-fs-resize0:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-core-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libhogweed6:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libisns0:amd64 < 0.101-0ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgnutls30:amd64 < 3.7.3-4ubuntu1.5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdw1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libplymouth5:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 | 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of python3-cryptography:amd64 < 3.4.8-1ubuntu2.2 | 41.0.7-4ubuntu0.1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libjxr0:amd64 < 1.2~git20170615.f752187-5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libelf1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtirpc3:amd64 < 1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm6:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libuv1:amd64 < 1.43.0-1ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpsl5:amd64 < 0.21.0-1.2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of liburcu8:amd64 < 0.13.1-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted2:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1-openssl:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall telnet:amd64 < 0.17-44build1 -> 0.17+2.5-3ubuntu4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing inetutils-telnet:amd64 as Depends of telnet:amd64
    MarkInstall inetutils-telnet:amd64 < none -> 2:2.5-3ubuntu4 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-pthreads-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcups2:amd64 < 2.4.1op1-1ubuntu4.11 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl4:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libgomp1:amd64 < 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 -> 14.2.0-4ubuntu2~24.04 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing gcc-14-base:amd64 as Depends of libgomp1:amd64
    MarkInstall gcc-14-base:amd64 < none -> 14.2.0-4ubuntu2~24.04 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall initramfs-tools-core:amd64 < 0.140ubuntu13.4 -> 0.142ubuntu25.4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing dhcpcd-base:amd64 as Depends of initramfs-tools-core:amd64
    MarkInstall dhcpcd-base:amd64 < none -> 1:10.0.6-1ubuntu3.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing dracut-install:amd64 as Depends of initramfs-tools-core:amd64
    MarkInstall dracut-install:amd64 < none -> 060+5-1ubuntu3.2 @un uN > FU=0
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpmux3:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  MarkInstall udev:amd64 < 249.11-0ubuntu3.12 -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing systemd-dev:amd64 as Depends of udev:amd64
    MarkInstall systemd-dev:amd64 < none -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @un uN > FU=0
   Delayed Removing: usrmerge:amd64 as upgrade is not an option for coreutils:amd64 (9.4-3ubuntu6)
  MarkInstall coreutils:amd64 < 8.32-4.1ubuntu1.2 -> 9.4-3ubuntu6 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  MarkDelete usrmerge:amd64 < 25ubuntu2 @ii mK > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm-compat4:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall python3-gi:amd64 < 3.42.1-0ubuntu1 -> 3.48.2-1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing gir1.2-girepository-2.0:amd64 as Depends of python3-gi:amd64
    MarkInstall gir1.2-girepository-2.0:amd64 < none -> 1.80.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libext2fs2:amd64 < 1.46.5-2ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall linux-headers-generic:amd64 < -> 6.8.0-51.52 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing linux-headers-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 as Depends of linux-headers-generic:amd64
    MarkInstall linux-headers-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing linux-headers-6.8.0-51:amd64 as Depends of linux-headers-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64
      MarkInstall linux-headers-6.8.0-51:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall dbus-user-session:amd64 < 1.12.20-2ubuntu4.1 -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing dbus-daemon:amd64 as Depends of dbus-user-session:amd64
    MarkInstall dbus-daemon:amd64 < none -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing dbus-bin:amd64 as Depends of dbus-daemon:amd64
      MarkInstall dbus-bin:amd64 < none -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing dbus-session-bus-common:amd64 as Depends of dbus-daemon:amd64
      MarkInstall dbus-session-bus-common:amd64 < none -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnettle8:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall sosreport:amd64 < 4.7.2-0ubuntu1~22.04.2 -> 4.7.2-0ubuntu1~24.04.2 @ii umU IPb > FU=0
  new important dependency: python3-boto3:amd64
  Installing python3-boto3:amd64 as Recommends of sosreport:amd64
    MarkInstall python3-boto3:amd64 < none -> 1.34.46+dfsg-1ubuntu1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing python3-botocore:amd64 as Depends of python3-boto3:amd64
      MarkInstall python3-botocore:amd64 < none -> 1.34.46+repack-1ubuntu1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing python3-dateutil:amd64 as Depends of python3-botocore:amd64
        MarkInstall python3-dateutil:amd64 < none -> 2.8.2-3ubuntu1 @un uN > FU=0
      Installing python3-jmespath:amd64 as Depends of python3-botocore:amd64
        MarkInstall python3-jmespath:amd64 < none -> 1.0.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing python3-s3transfer:amd64 as Depends of python3-boto3:amd64
      MarkInstall python3-s3transfer:amd64 < none -> 0.10.1-1ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall modemmanager:amd64 < 1.20.0-1~ubuntu22.04.4 -> 1.23.4-0ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libqrtr-glib0:amd64 as Depends of modemmanager:amd64
    MarkInstall libqrtr-glib0:amd64 < none -> 1.2.2-1ubuntu4 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: libmbim-utils:amd64
  Installing libmbim-utils:amd64 as Recommends of modemmanager:amd64
    MarkInstall libmbim-utils:amd64 < none -> 1.31.2-0ubuntu3 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: libqmi-utils:amd64
  Installing libqmi-utils:amd64 as Recommends of modemmanager:amd64
    MarkInstall libqmi-utils:amd64 < none -> 1.35.2-0ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-cmd0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall systemd-timesyncd:amd64 < 249.11-0ubuntu3.12 -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libsystemd-shared:amd64 as Depends of systemd-timesyncd:amd64
    MarkInstall libsystemd-shared:amd64 < none -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall perl:amd64 < 5.34.0-3ubuntu1.3 -> 5.38.2-3.2build2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing perl-modules-5.38:amd64 as Depends of perl:amd64
    MarkInstall perl-modules-5.38:amd64 < none -> 5.38.2-3.2build2 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libperl5.38t64:amd64 as Depends of perl:amd64
    MarkInstall libperl5.38t64:amd64 < none -> 5.38.2-3.2build2 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall polkitd:amd64 < 0.105-33 -> 124-2ubuntu1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing xml-core:amd64 as Depends of polkitd:amd64
    MarkInstall xml-core:amd64 < none -> 0.19 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing sgml-base:amd64 as Depends of xml-core:amd64
      MarkInstall sgml-base:amd64 < none -> 1.31 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libduktape207:amd64 as Depends of polkitd:amd64
    MarkInstall libduktape207:amd64 < none -> 2.7.0+tests-0ubuntu3 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libntfs-3g89:amd64 < 1:2021.8.22-3ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall fonts-dejavu:amd64 < 2.37-2build1 -> 2.37-8 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing fonts-dejavu-mono:amd64 as Depends of fonts-dejavu:amd64
    MarkInstall fonts-dejavu-mono:amd64 < none -> 2.37-8 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall libidn2-0:amd64 < 2.3.2-2build1 -> 2.3.7-2build1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libunistring5:amd64 as Depends of libidn2-0:amd64
    MarkInstall libunistring5:amd64 < none -> 1.1-2build1 @un umN > FU=0
  MarkInstall python3-minimal:amd64 < 3.10.6-1~22.04.1 -> 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing python3.12-minimal:amd64 as PreDepends of python3-minimal:amd64
    MarkInstall python3.12-minimal:amd64 < none -> 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libpython3.12-minimal:amd64 as Depends of python3.12-minimal:amd64
      MarkInstall libpython3.12-minimal:amd64 < none -> 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 @un uN IPb > FU=0
      Installing libpython3.12-stdlib:amd64 as Recommends of libpython3.12-minimal:amd64
        MarkInstall libpython3.12-stdlib:amd64 < none -> 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing python3.12:amd64 as Recommends of python3.12-minimal:amd64
      MarkInstall python3.12:amd64 < none -> 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 @un uN > FU=0
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libnetpbm10:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 @hi mK >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-device0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of netpbm:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 | 2:11.05.02-1.1build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libarchive13:amd64 < 3.6.0-1ubuntu1.3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapr1:amd64 < 1.7.0-8ubuntu0.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libheif1:amd64 < 1.12.0-2ubuntu0.1~esm1 -> 1.17.6-1ubuntu4.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libsharpyuv0:amd64 as Depends of libheif1:amd64
    MarkInstall libsharpyuv0:amd64 < none -> 1.3.2-0.4build3 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libheif-plugin-aomdec:amd64 as Depends of libheif1:amd64
    MarkInstall libheif-plugin-aomdec:amd64 < none -> 1.17.6-1ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libheif-plugin-libde265:amd64 as Depends of libheif1:amd64
    MarkInstall libheif-plugin-libde265:amd64 < none -> 1.17.6-1ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: libheif-plugin-aomenc:amd64
  Installing libheif-plugin-aomenc:amd64 as Recommends of libheif1:amd64
    MarkInstall libheif-plugin-aomenc:amd64 < none -> 1.17.6-1ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall sg3-utils:amd64 < 1.46-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 -> 1.46-3ubuntu4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 as Depends of sg3-utils:amd64
     Delayed Removing: libsgutils2-2:amd64 as upgrade is not an option for libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 (1.46-3ubuntu4)
    MarkInstall libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 < none -> 1.46-3ubuntu4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    MarkDelete libsgutils2-2:amd64 < 1.46-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 @ii mK > FU=0
  MarkInstall vim:amd64 < 2:8.2.3995-1ubuntu2.21 -> 2:9.1.0016-1ubuntu7.5 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libpython3.12t64:amd64 as Depends of vim:amd64
    MarkInstall libpython3.12t64:amd64 < none -> 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 @un uN > FU=0
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libcairo2:amd64 < 1.16.0-5ubuntu2 | 1.18.0-3build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libatm1:amd64 < 1:2.5.1-4build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdb5.3:amd64 < 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.8ubuntu3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libbinutils:amd64 < 2.38-4ubuntu2.6 -> 2.42-4ubuntu2.3 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libsframe1:amd64 as Depends of libbinutils:amd64
    MarkInstall libsframe1:amd64 < none -> 2.42-4ubuntu2.3 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapt-pkg6.0:amd64 < 2.4.13 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefivar1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libfido2-1:amd64 < 1.10.0-1 -> 1.14.0-1build3 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libcbor0.10:amd64 as Depends of libfido2-1:amd64
    MarkInstall libcbor0.10:amd64 < none -> 0.10.2-1.2ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-swtpm0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmagic1:amd64 < 1:5.41-3ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpdemux2:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  MarkInstall liblvm2cmd2.03:amd64 < 2.03.11-2.1ubuntu4 -> 2.03.16-3ubuntu3.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libaio1t64:amd64 as Depends of liblvm2cmd2.03:amd64
    MarkInstall libaio1t64:amd64 < none -> 0.3.113-6build1 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall fail2ban:amd64 < 0.11.2-6 -> 1.0.2-3ubuntu0.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing python3-pyasyncore:amd64 as Depends of fail2ban:amd64
    MarkInstall python3-pyasyncore:amd64 < none -> 1.0.2-2 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu:amd64 < 2.38-4ubuntu2.6 -> 2.42-4ubuntu2.3 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libgprofng0:amd64 as Depends of binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu:amd64
    MarkInstall libgprofng0:amd64 < none -> 2.42-4ubuntu2.3 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall udisks2:amd64 < 2.9.4-1ubuntu2 -> 2.10.1-6ubuntu1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-crypto3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-crypto3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libblockdev-utils3:amd64 as Depends of libblockdev-crypto3:amd64
      MarkInstall libblockdev-utils3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-fs3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-fs3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-loop3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-loop3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-mdraid3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-mdraid3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libbytesize1:amd64 as Depends of libblockdev-mdraid3:amd64
      MarkInstall libbytesize1:amd64 < none -> 2.10-1ubuntu2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing libbytesize-common:amd64 as Depends of libbytesize1:amd64
        MarkInstall libbytesize-common:amd64 < none -> 2.10-1ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-nvme3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-nvme3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libnvme1t64:amd64 as Depends of libblockdev-nvme3:amd64
      MarkInstall libnvme1t64:amd64 < none -> 1.8-3build1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-part3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-part3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev-swap3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev-swap3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libblockdev3:amd64 as Depends of udisks2:amd64
    MarkInstall libblockdev3:amd64 < none -> 3.1.1-1 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmspack0:amd64 < 0.10.1-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall xfsprogs:amd64 < 5.13.0-1ubuntu2 -> 6.6.0-1ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libicu74:amd64 as Depends of xfsprogs:amd64
    MarkInstall libicu74:amd64 < none -> 74.2-1ubuntu3.1 @un uN > FU=0
   Delayed Removing: python3-distutils:amd64 as upgrade is not an option for python3:amd64 (3.12.3-0ubuntu2)
  MarkInstall python3:amd64 < 3.10.6-1~22.04.1 -> 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  MarkDelete python3-distutils:amd64 < 3.10.8-1~22.04 @ii mK Ib > FU=0
   Upgrading: gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > due to gpg-wks-server:amd64 Recommends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
   Upgrading: gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib > due to gpg-agent:amd64 Recommends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  MarkInstall gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
    Ignore MarkInstall of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
   Removing: gpg-wks-server:amd64 as upgrade is not possible
    Hold prevents MarkInstall of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib >
   Removing: gpg-agent:amd64 as upgrade is not possible
    Hold prevents MarkDelete of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib >
  Ignore MarkInstall of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libgraphite2-3:amd64 < 1.3.14-1build2 | 1.3.14-2build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgpgme11:amd64 < 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall systemd:amd64 < 249.11-0ubuntu3.12 -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @ii umU IPb > FU=0
  new important dependency: systemd-resolved:amd64
  Installing systemd-resolved:amd64 as Recommends of systemd:amd64
    MarkInstall systemd-resolved:amd64 < none -> 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 @un uN > FU=0
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib >
  MarkInstall linux-generic:amd64 < -> 6.8.0-51.52 @ii umU IPb > FU=0
  new important dependency: linux-tools-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64
  Installing linux-tools-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 as Recommends of linux-generic:amd64
    MarkInstall linux-tools-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing linux-tools-6.8.0-51:amd64 as Depends of linux-tools-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64
      MarkInstall linux-tools-6.8.0-51:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing libtraceevent1:amd64 as Depends of linux-tools-6.8.0-51:amd64
        MarkInstall libtraceevent1:amd64 < none -> 1:1.8.2-1ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
      Installing linux-tools-common:amd64 as Depends of linux-tools-6.8.0-51:amd64
        MarkInstall linux-tools-common:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN Ib > FU=0
        Installing hwdata:amd64 as Depends of linux-tools-common:amd64
          MarkInstall hwdata:amd64 < none -> 0.379-1 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: ubuntu-kernel-accessories:amd64
  Installing ubuntu-kernel-accessories:amd64 as Recommends of linux-generic:amd64
    MarkInstall ubuntu-kernel-accessories:amd64 < none -> 1.539.1 @un uN IPb > FU=0
    Installing bpfcc-tools:amd64 as Recommends of ubuntu-kernel-accessories:amd64
      MarkInstall bpfcc-tools:amd64 < none -> 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing python3-bpfcc:amd64 as Depends of bpfcc-tools:amd64
        MarkInstall python3-bpfcc:amd64 < none -> 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 @un uN Ib > FU=0
        Installing libbpfcc:amd64 as Depends of python3-bpfcc:amd64
          MarkInstall libbpfcc:amd64 < none -> 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 @un uN Ib > FU=0
          Installing libbpf1:amd64 as Depends of libbpfcc:amd64
            MarkInstall libbpf1:amd64 < none -> 1:1.3.0-2build2 @un uN > FU=0
          Installing libclang-cpp18:amd64 as Depends of libbpfcc:amd64
            MarkInstall libclang-cpp18:amd64 < none -> 1:18.1.3-1ubuntu1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
            Installing libllvm18:amd64 as Depends of libclang-cpp18:amd64
              MarkInstall libllvm18:amd64 < none -> 1:18.1.3-1ubuntu1 @un uN > FU=0
      Installing python3-netaddr:amd64 as Depends of bpfcc-tools:amd64
        MarkInstall python3-netaddr:amd64 < none -> 0.8.0-2ubuntu1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
        Installing ieee-data:amd64 as Depends of python3-netaddr:amd64
          MarkInstall ieee-data:amd64 < none -> 20220827.1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing bpftrace:amd64 as Recommends of ubuntu-kernel-accessories:amd64
      MarkInstall bpftrace:amd64 < none -> 0.20.2-1ubuntu4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing libclang1-18:amd64 as Depends of bpftrace:amd64
        MarkInstall libclang1-18:amd64 < none -> 1:18.1.3-1ubuntu1 @un uN > FU=0
      Installing libc6-dev:amd64 as Recommends of bpftrace:amd64
        MarkInstall libc6-dev:amd64 < none -> 2.39-0ubuntu8.3 @un uN Ib > FU=0
        Installing libc-dev-bin:amd64 as Depends of libc6-dev:amd64
          MarkInstall libc-dev-bin:amd64 < none -> 2.39-0ubuntu8.3 @un uN IPb > FU=0
          Installing manpages-dev:amd64 as Recommends of libc-dev-bin:amd64
            MarkInstall manpages-dev:amd64 < none -> 6.7-2 @un uN > FU=0
          Installing libc-devtools:amd64 as Recommends of libc-dev-bin:amd64
            MarkInstall libc-devtools:amd64 < none -> 2.39-0ubuntu8.3 @un uN > FU=0
        Installing linux-libc-dev:amd64 as Depends of libc6-dev:amd64
          MarkInstall linux-libc-dev:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN > FU=0
        Installing libcrypt-dev:amd64 as Depends of libc6-dev:amd64
          MarkInstall libcrypt-dev:amd64 < none -> 1:4.4.36-4build1 @un uN > FU=0
        Installing rpcsvc-proto:amd64 as Depends of libc6-dev:amd64
          MarkInstall rpcsvc-proto:amd64 < none -> 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall libgpg-error0:amd64 < 1.43-3 -> 1.47-3build2 @ii umU NPb IPb > FU=0
  ignore old unsatisfied important dependency on libgpg-error-l10n:amd64
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpng16-16:amd64 < 1.6.37-3build5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libreadline8:amd64 < 8.1.2-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi umH >
  MarkInstall apache2-bin:amd64 < 2.4.52-1ubuntu4.12 -> 2.4.58-1ubuntu8.5 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libldap2:amd64 as Depends of apache2-bin:amd64
    MarkInstall libldap2:amd64 < none -> 2.6.7+dfsg-1~exp1ubuntu8.1 @un umN > FU=0
  Installing liblua5.4-0:amd64 as Depends of apache2-bin:amd64
    MarkInstall liblua5.4-0:amd64 < none -> 5.4.6-3build2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnpth0:amd64 < 1.6-3build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall packagekit:amd64 < 1.2.5-2ubuntu3 -> 1.2.8-2ubuntu1.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libappstream5:amd64 as Depends of packagekit:amd64
    MarkInstall libappstream5:amd64 < none -> 1.0.2-1build6 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: appstream:amd64
  Installing appstream:amd64 as Recommends of packagekit:amd64
    MarkInstall appstream:amd64 < none -> 1.0.2-1build6 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libfcgi0ldbl:amd64 < 2.4.2-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libsodium23:amd64 < 1.0.18-1build2 | 1.0.18-1build3 @hi umH >
    MarkKeep libsgutils2-2:amd64 < 1.46-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 @ii mR > FU=0
  MarkInstall ghostscript:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libgs10:amd64 as Depends of ghostscript:amd64
    MarkInstall libgs10:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libgs10-common:amd64 as Depends of libgs10:amd64
      MarkInstall libgs10-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing libgs-common:amd64 as Depends of libgs10-common:amd64
         Delayed Removing: libgs9-common:amd64 as upgrade is not an option for libgs-common:amd64 (10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4)
        MarkInstall libgs-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
        MarkDelete libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > FU=0
    Installing libtiff6:amd64 as Depends of libgs10:amd64
      MarkInstall libtiff6:amd64 < none -> 4.5.1+git230720-4ubuntu2.2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing liblerc4:amd64 as Depends of libtiff6:amd64
        MarkInstall liblerc4:amd64 < none -> 4.0.0+ds-4ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
      Installing libwebp7:amd64 as Depends of libtiff6:amd64
        Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebp7:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
        libtiff6:amd64 Depends on libwebp7:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH > (>= 1.3.2) can't be satisfied! (dep)
      libgs10:amd64 Depends on libtiff6:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 4.0.3) can't be satisfied! (dep)
    ghostscript:amd64 Depends on libgs10:amd64 < none @un H > (= 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4) can't be satisfied! (dep)
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpcap0.8:amd64 < 1.10.1-4ubuntu1.22.04.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall fonts-urw-base35:amd64 < 20200910-1 -> 20200910-8 @ii umU Ib > FU=0

Teil 2:

 Installing xfonts-utils:amd64 as Depends of fonts-urw-base35:amd64
    MarkInstall xfonts-utils:amd64 < none -> 1:7.7+6build3 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libfontenc1:amd64 as Depends of xfonts-utils:amd64
      MarkInstall libfontenc1:amd64 < none -> 1:1.1.8-1build1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing x11-common:amd64 as Depends of xfonts-utils:amd64
      MarkInstall x11-common:amd64 < none -> 1:7.7+23ubuntu3 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing xfonts-encodings:amd64 as Depends of xfonts-utils:amd64
      MarkInstall xfonts-encodings:amd64 < none -> 1:1.0.5-0ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libssl3:amd64 < 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.18 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefiboot1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
    MarkKeep usrmerge:amd64 < 25ubuntu2 @ii mR > FU=0
  MarkInstall python3-openssl:amd64 < 21.0.0-1 -> 23.2.0-1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing python3-cryptography:amd64 as Depends of python3-openssl:amd64
    Hold prevents MarkInstall of python3-cryptography:amd64 < 3.4.8-1ubuntu2.2 | 41.0.7-4ubuntu0.1 @hi umH >
    python3-openssl:amd64 Depends on python3-cryptography:amd64 < 3.4.8-1ubuntu2.2 | 41.0.7-4ubuntu0.1 @hi umH > (>= 38) can't be satisfied! (dep)
  MarkInstall plymouth:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 -> 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libplymouth5:amd64 as Depends of plymouth:amd64
    Hold prevents MarkInstall of libplymouth5:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 | 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @hi umH >
    plymouth:amd64 Depends on libplymouth5:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 | 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @hi umH > (>= 23.360.11) can't be satisfied! (dep)
  Ignore MarkInstall of libaprutil1:amd64 < 1.6.1-5ubuntu4.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-mssim0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of pinentry-curses:amd64 < 1.1.1-1build2 | 1.2.1-3ubuntu5 @hi umH >
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebp7:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  MarkInstall imagemagick-6.q16:amd64 < 8: -> 8: @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libmagickcore-6.q16-7t64:amd64 as Depends of imagemagick-6.q16:amd64
    MarkInstall libmagickcore-6.q16-7t64:amd64 < none -> 8: @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libraw23t64:amd64 as Depends of libmagickcore-6.q16-7t64:amd64
      MarkInstall libraw23t64:amd64 < none -> 0.21.2-2.1build1 @un uN > FU=0
      libmagickcore-6.q16-7t64:amd64 Depends on libtiff6:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 4.5.0~rc1) can't be satisfied! (dep)
    imagemagick-6.q16:amd64 Depends on libmagickcore-6.q16-7t64:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 8: can't be satisfied! (dep)
  MarkInstall linux-image-generic:amd64 < -> 6.8.0-51.52 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing linux-image-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 as Depends of linux-image-generic:amd64
    MarkInstall linux-image-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing linux-modules-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 as Depends of linux-image-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64
      MarkInstall linux-modules-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 as Depends of linux-image-generic:amd64
    MarkInstall linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-51-generic:amd64 < none -> 6.8.0-51.52 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall mysql-server-core-8.0:amd64 < 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 -> 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libprotobuf-lite32t64:amd64 as Depends of mysql-server-core-8.0:amd64
    MarkInstall libprotobuf-lite32t64:amd64 < none -> 3.21.12-8.2build1 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall procps:amd64 < 2:3.3.17-6ubuntu2.1 -> 2:4.0.4-4ubuntu3.2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libproc2-0:amd64 as Depends of procps:amd64
    MarkInstall libproc2-0:amd64 < none -> 2:4.0.4-4ubuntu3.2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libzip4:amd64 < 1.7.3-1ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libglib2.0-0:amd64 < 2.72.4-0ubuntu2.4 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-sys1:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall btrfs-progs:amd64 < 5.16.2-1 -> 6.6.3-1.1build2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libreiserfscore0t64:amd64 as Depends of btrfs-progs:amd64
    MarkInstall libreiserfscore0t64:amd64 < none -> 1:3.6.27-7.1build1 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall libusbmuxd6:amd64 < 2.0.2-3build2 -> 2.0.2-4build3 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libplist-2.0-4:amd64 as Depends of libusbmuxd6:amd64
    MarkInstall libplist-2.0-4:amd64 < none -> 2.3.0-1~exp2build2 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall ubuntu-standard:amd64 < 1.481.4 -> 1.539.1 @ii umU IPb > FU=0
  new important dependency: numactl:amd64
  Installing numactl:amd64 as Recommends of ubuntu-standard:amd64
    MarkInstall numactl:amd64 < none -> 2.0.18-1build1 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: sysstat:amd64
  Installing sysstat:amd64 as Recommends of ubuntu-standard:amd64
    MarkInstall sysstat:amd64 < none -> 12.6.1-2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libsensors5:amd64 as Depends of sysstat:amd64
      MarkInstall libsensors5:amd64 < none -> 1:3.6.0-9build1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing libsensors-config:amd64 as Depends of libsensors5:amd64
        MarkInstall libsensors-config:amd64 < none -> 1:3.6.0-9build1 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: trace-cmd:amd64
  Installing trace-cmd:amd64 as Recommends of ubuntu-standard:amd64
    MarkInstall trace-cmd:amd64 < none -> 3.2-1ubuntu2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libtracefs1:amd64 as Depends of trace-cmd:amd64
      MarkInstall libtracefs1:amd64 < none -> 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing libtraceevent1-plugin:amd64 as Depends of trace-cmd:amd64
      MarkInstall libtraceevent1-plugin:amd64 < none -> 1:1.8.2-1ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted-fs-resize0:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall netplan.io:amd64 < 0.106.1-7ubuntu0.22.04.4 -> 1.0.1-1ubuntu2~24.04.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libnetplan1:amd64 as Depends of netplan.io:amd64
    MarkInstall libnetplan1:amd64 < none -> 1.0.1-1ubuntu2~24.04.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing netplan-generator:amd64 as Depends of netplan.io:amd64
    MarkInstall netplan-generator:amd64 < none -> 1.0.1-1ubuntu2~24.04.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing python3-netplan:amd64 as Depends of netplan.io:amd64
    MarkInstall python3-netplan:amd64 < none -> 1.0.1-1ubuntu2~24.04.1 @un uN > FU=0
  new important dependency: python3-rich:amd64
  Installing python3-rich:amd64 as Recommends of netplan.io:amd64
    MarkInstall python3-rich:amd64 < none -> 13.7.1-1 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing python3-markdown-it:amd64 as Depends of python3-rich:amd64
      MarkInstall python3-markdown-it:amd64 < none -> 3.0.0-2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
      Installing python3-mdurl:amd64 as Depends of python3-markdown-it:amd64
        MarkInstall python3-mdurl:amd64 < none -> 0.1.2-1 @un uN > FU=0
    Installing python3-pygments:amd64 as Depends of python3-rich:amd64
      MarkInstall python3-pygments:amd64 < none -> 2.17.2+dfsg-1 @un uN > FU=0
    MarkKeep python3-distutils:amd64 < 3.10.8-1~22.04 @ii mR > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-core-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall python3-keyring:amd64 < 23.5.0-1 -> 24.3.1-1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing python3-jaraco.classes:amd64 as Depends of python3-keyring:amd64
    MarkInstall python3-jaraco.classes:amd64 < none -> 3.2.1-4 @un uN > FU=0
  MarkInstall ubuntu-server:amd64 < 1.481.4 -> 1.539.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing lxd-installer:amd64 as Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64
    MarkInstall lxd-installer:amd64 < none -> 4ubuntu0.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libhogweed6:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libisns0:amd64 < 0.101-0ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall cron:amd64 < 3.0pl1-137ubuntu3 -> 3.0pl1-184ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing cron-daemon-common:amd64 as PreDepends of cron:amd64
    MarkInstall cron-daemon-common:amd64 < none -> 3.0pl1-184ubuntu2 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgnutls30:amd64 < 3.7.3-4ubuntu1.5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdw1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libfwupdplugin5:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 @ii mK Ib > FU=0
    libfwupdplugin5:amd64 Depends on libfwupd2:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 -> 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umU > (= 1.7.9-1~22.04.3) can't be satisfied! (dep)
   Upgrading: gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > due to gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  MarkInstall gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
    MarkInstall gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
      gnupg:amd64 Depends on dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~) can't be satisfied! (dep)
   Removing: gnupg:amd64 as upgrade is not possible
    MarkDelete gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
  Installing gpg-agent:amd64 as Depends of gpg-wks-client:amd64
    Hold prevents MarkInstall of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib >
    gpg-wks-client:amd64 Depends on gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib > (= 2.4.4-2ubuntu17) can't be satisfied! (dep)
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libplymouth5:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 | 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall libgs9:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK Ib > FU=0
  Installing libgs9-common:amd64 as Depends of libgs9:amd64
      MarkKeep libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mR > FU=0
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of python3-cryptography:amd64 < 3.4.8-1ubuntu2.2 | 41.0.7-4ubuntu0.1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libjxr0:amd64 < 1.2~git20170615.f752187-5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libelf1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtirpc3:amd64 < 1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall dbus:amd64 < 1.12.20-2ubuntu4.1 -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing dbus-system-bus-common:amd64 as Depends of dbus:amd64
    MarkInstall dbus-system-bus-common:amd64 < none -> 1.14.10-4ubuntu4.1 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm6:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall apport:amd64 < 2.20.11-0ubuntu82.6 -> 2.28.1-0ubuntu3.3 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing apport-core-dump-handler:amd64 as Depends of apport:amd64
    MarkInstall apport-core-dump-handler:amd64 < none -> 2.28.1-0ubuntu3.3 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libuv1:amd64 < 1.43.0-1ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpsl5:amd64 < 0.21.0-1.2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of liburcu8:amd64 < 0.13.1-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall fwupd:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 -> 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Installing libflashrom1:amd64 as Depends of fwupd:amd64
    MarkInstall libflashrom1:amd64 < none -> 1.3.0-2.1ubuntu2 @un uN Ib > FU=0
    Installing libftdi1-2:amd64 as Depends of libflashrom1:amd64
      MarkInstall libftdi1-2:amd64 < none -> 1.5-6build5 @un uN > FU=0
  Installing libprotobuf-c1:amd64 as Depends of fwupd:amd64
    MarkInstall libprotobuf-c1:amd64 < none -> 1.4.1-1ubuntu4 @un uN > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted2:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkInstall e2fsprogs:amd64 < 1.46.5-2ubuntu1.2 -> 1.47.0-2.4~exp1ubuntu4.1 @ii umU NPb IPb > FU=0
  ignore old unsatisfied important dependency on e2fsprogs-l10n:amd64
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1-openssl:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-pthreads-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcups2:amd64 < 2.4.1op1-1ubuntu4.11 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl4:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpmux3:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm-compat4:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libext2fs2:amd64 < 1.46.5-2ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 < 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.20 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnettle8:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-cmd0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libntfs-3g89:amd64 < 1:2021.8.22-3ubuntu1.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libnetpbm10:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 @hi mK >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-device0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of netpbm:amd64 < 2:10.0-15.4 | 2:11.05.02-1.1build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libarchive13:amd64 < 3.6.0-1ubuntu1.3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapr1:amd64 < 1.7.0-8ubuntu0.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libcairo2:amd64 < 1.16.0-5ubuntu2 | 1.18.0-3build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libatm1:amd64 < 1:2.5.1-4build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdb5.3:amd64 < 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.8ubuntu3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libapt-pkg6.0:amd64 < 2.4.13 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefivar1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-swtpm0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmagic1:amd64 < 1:5.41-3ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebpdemux2:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libmspack0:amd64 < 0.10.1-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
    MarkKeep gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > FU=0
  Ignore MarkInstall of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libgraphite2-3:amd64 < 1.3.14-1build2 | 1.3.14-2build1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgpgme11:amd64 < 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi umH Ib >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpng16-16:amd64 < 1.6.37-3build5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libreadline8:amd64 < 8.1.2-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libnpth0:amd64 < 1.6-3build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libfcgi0ldbl:amd64 < 2.4.2-2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libsodium23:amd64 < 1.0.18-1build2 | 1.0.18-1build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpcap0.8:amd64 < 1.10.1-4ubuntu1.22.04.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libssl3:amd64 < 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.18 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libefiboot1:amd64 < 37-6ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libaprutil1:amd64 < 1.6.1-5ubuntu4.22.04.2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-tcti-mssim0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of pinentry-curses:amd64 < 1.1.1-1build2 | 1.2.1-3ubuntu5 @hi umH >
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libwebp7:amd64 < 1.2.2-2ubuntu0.22.04.2 | 1.3.2-0.4build3 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libzip4:amd64 < 1.7.3-1ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libglib2.0-0:amd64 < 2.72.4-0ubuntu2.4 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-sys1:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pgR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted-fs-resize0:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libevent-core-2.1-7:amd64 < 2.1.12-stable-1build3 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libhogweed6:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libisns0:amd64 < 0.101-0ubuntu2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgnutls30:amd64 < 3.7.3-4ubuntu1.5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libdw1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of libplymouth5:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 | 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0:amd64 < 3.2.0-1ubuntu1.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Hold prevents MarkInstall of python3-cryptography:amd64 < 3.4.8-1ubuntu2.2 | 41.0.7-4ubuntu0.1 @hi umH >
  Ignore MarkInstall of libjxr0:amd64 < 1.2~git20170615.f752187-5 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libelf1:amd64 < 0.186-1build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libtirpc3:amd64 < 1.3.2-2ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libgdbm6:amd64 < 1.23-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libuv1:amd64 < 1.43.0-1ubuntu0.1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libpsl5:amd64 < 0.21.0-1.2build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of liburcu8:amd64 < 0.13.1-1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libparted2:amd64 < 3.4-2build1 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkInstall of libxmlsec1-openssl:amd64 < 1.2.33-1build2 @ii pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkKeep of libnettle8:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkKeep of libhogweed6:amd64 < 3.7.3-1build2 @hi pmR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
Starting pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 17
Starting 2 pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 17
Investigating (0) gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi pumH Ib >
Broken gpg-agent:amd64 Depends on gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpgconf:amd64 23 as a solution to gpg-agent:amd64 10025
  Added gpgconf:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > FU=0
  Fixing gpg-agent:amd64 via keep of gpgconf:amd64
Investigating (0) coreutils:amd64 < 8.32-4.1ubuntu1.2 -> 9.4-3ubuntu6 @ii umU Ib >
Broken coreutils:amd64 Breaks on usrmerge:amd64 < 25ubuntu2 @ii mK > (< 39)
  Considering usrmerge:amd64 -3 as a solution to coreutils:amd64 5111
  Added usrmerge:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkDelete usrmerge:amd64 < 25ubuntu2 @ii mK > FU=0
  Fixing coreutils:amd64 via remove of usrmerge:amd64
Investigating (0) python3:amd64 < 3.10.6-1~22.04.1 -> 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 @ii umU Ib >
Broken python3:amd64 Conflicts on python3-distutils:amd64 < 3.10.8-1~22.04 @ii mK Ib >
  Considering python3-distutils:amd64 -3 as a solution to python3:amd64 309
  Added python3-distutils:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkDelete python3-distutils:amd64 < 3.10.8-1~22.04 @ii mK Ib > FU=0
  Fixing python3:amd64 via remove of python3-distutils:amd64
 Try to Re-Instate (0) gpgconf:amd64
Re-Instated gpgconf:amd64 (16 vs 14)
Investigating (0) gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib >
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering dirmngr:amd64 23 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Removing gnupg:amd64 rather than change dirmngr:amd64
  MarkDelete gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (0) gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib >
Broken gpg-wks-client:amd64 Depends on dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering dirmngr:amd64 23 as a solution to gpg-wks-client:amd64 11
  Removing gpg-wks-client:amd64 rather than change dirmngr:amd64
  MarkDelete gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (0) plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 -> 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @ii umU Ib >
Broken plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 Depends on plymouth:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 @ii umH > (= 24.004.60-1ubuntu7)
  Considering plymouth:amd64 8 as a solution to plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 7
  MarkKeep plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 -> 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 rather than change plymouth:amd64
Investigating (0) libpcap0.8t64:amd64 < none -> 1.10.4-4.1ubuntu3 @un umN Ib >
Broken libpcap0.8t64:amd64 Depends on libibverbs1:amd64 < none | 50.0-2build2 @un umH > (>= 1.1.6)
  Considering libibverbs1:amd64 0 as a solution to libpcap0.8t64:amd64 5
  MarkKeep libpcap0.8t64:amd64 < none -> 1.10.4-4.1ubuntu3 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libpcap0.8t64:amd64 rather than change libibverbs1:amd64
Investigating (0) libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 2
  MarkKeep libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 < none -> 1.46-3ubuntu4 @un uN Ib >
Broken libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 Breaks on libsgutils2-2:amd64 < 1.46-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 @ii mK > (< 1.46-3ubuntu2)
  Considering libsgutils2-2:amd64 -3 as a solution to libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 1
  Added libsgutils2-2:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkDelete libsgutils2-2:amd64 < 1.46-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 @ii mK > FU=0
  Fixing libsgutils2-1.46-2:amd64 via remove of libsgutils2-2:amd64
Investigating (0) libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-tcti-mssim0t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-tcti-swtpm0t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libgs-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib >
Broken libgs-common:amd64 Breaks on libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > (< 10)
  Considering libgs9-common:amd64 -2 as a solution to libgs-common:amd64 0
  Added libgs9-common:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkDelete libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > FU=0
  Fixing libgs-common:amd64 via remove of libgs9-common:amd64
Investigating (0) ubuntu-server:amd64 < 1.481.4 -> 1.539.1 @ii umU Ib >
Broken ubuntu-server:amd64 Depends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR >
  Considering gnupg:amd64 14 as a solution to ubuntu-server:amd64 0
  MarkKeep ubuntu-server:amd64 < 1.481.4 -> 1.539.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Removing ubuntu-server:amd64 rather than change gnupg:amd64
  Setting apport:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting bcache-tools:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting btrfs-progs:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting byobu:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting cloud-guest-utils:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting cloud-initramfs-copymods:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting curl:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting dirmngr:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting ethtool:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting fonts-ubuntu-console:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting git:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting gnupg:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting htop:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting lvm2:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting mdadm:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting motd-news-config:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting multipath-tools:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting overlayroot:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting patch:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting pollinate:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting screen:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting software-properties-common:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting sosreport:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting tmux:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting update-notifier-common:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting vim:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting xfsprogs:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Depends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting fwupd:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting landscape-common:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting lxd-agent-loader:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting needrestart:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting open-iscsi:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting open-vm-tools:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting snapd:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  Setting unattended-upgrades:amd64 NOT as auto-installed (direct Recommends of ubuntu-server:amd64 which is in APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections)
  MarkDelete ubuntu-server:amd64 < 1.481.4 | 1.539.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (0) libtss2-tcti-device0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-tcti-device0t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-tcti-device0t64:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libtss2-tcti-device0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-tcti-device0t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libtss2-sys1t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-sys1t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-sys1t64:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libtss2-sys1t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-sys1t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib >
Broken libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64:amd64 Depends on libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 3.0.1)
  Considering libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64 0 as a solution to libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64:amd64 < none -> 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libtss2-tcti-cmd0t64:amd64 rather than change libtss2-mu-4.0.1-0t64:amd64
Investigating (0) libfwupdplugin5:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 @ii mK Ib >
Broken libfwupdplugin5:amd64 Depends on libfwupd2:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 -> 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umU > (= 1.7.9-1~22.04.3)
  Considering libfwupd2:amd64 3 as a solution to libfwupdplugin5:amd64 -2
  Removing libfwupdplugin5:amd64 rather than change libfwupd2:amd64
  MarkDelete libfwupdplugin5:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 @ii mK Ib > FU=0
Investigating (1) gpg-agent:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @hi pumH Ib >
Broken gpg-agent:amd64 Depends on gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpgconf:amd64 23 as a solution to gpg-agent:amd64 10025
  Added gpgconf:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > FU=0
  Fixing gpg-agent:amd64 via keep of gpgconf:amd64
Investigating (1) libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi pumH Ib >
Broken libvolume-key1:amd64 Depends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR >
  Considering gnupg:amd64 14 as a solution to libvolume-key1:amd64 10001
  Added gnupg:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > FU=0
  Fixing libvolume-key1:amd64 via keep of gnupg:amd64
Investigating (1) dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib >
Broken dirmngr:amd64 Depends on gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umH > (= 2.4.4-2ubuntu17)
  Considering gpgconf:amd64 23 as a solution to dirmngr:amd64 23
  MarkKeep dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back dirmngr:amd64 rather than change gpgconf:amd64
Investigating (1) gpg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib >
Broken gpg:amd64 Depends on gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umH > (= 2.4.4-2ubuntu17)
  Considering gpgconf:amd64 23 as a solution to gpg:amd64 17
  MarkKeep gpg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back gpg:amd64 rather than change gpgconf:amd64
Investigating (1) gpgsm:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib >
Broken gpgsm:amd64 Depends on gpgconf:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umH > (= 2.4.4-2ubuntu17)
  Considering gpgconf:amd64 23 as a solution to gpgsm:amd64 14
  MarkKeep gpgsm:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back gpgsm:amd64 rather than change gpgconf:amd64
Investigating (1) gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib >
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gnupg-l10n:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gnupg-l10n:amd64 5 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gnupg-l10n:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gnupg-utils:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gnupg-utils:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gnupg-utils:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpg-wks-client:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gpg-wks-client:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > (>= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpg-wks-client:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gpg-wks-client:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpg-wks-server:amd64 0 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gpg-wks-server:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > (>= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpg-wks-server:amd64 0 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Added gpg-wks-server:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpgv:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpgv:amd64 128 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 14
  Removing gnupg:amd64 rather than change gpgv:amd64
  MarkDelete gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
 Try to Re-Instate (1) plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64
  MarkKeep plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text:amd64 < 0.9.5+git20211018-1ubuntu3 -> 24.004.60-1ubuntu7 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
Investigating (1) tcpdump:amd64 < 4.99.1-3ubuntu0.2 -> 4.99.4-3ubuntu4 @ii umU Ib >
Broken tcpdump:amd64 Depends on libpcap0.8t64:amd64 < none | 1.10.4-4.1ubuntu3 @un umH > (>= 1.9.1)
  Considering libpcap0.8t64:amd64 5 as a solution to tcpdump:amd64 5
  MarkKeep tcpdump:amd64 < 4.99.1-3ubuntu0.2 -> 4.99.4-3ubuntu4 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Removing tcpdump:amd64 rather than change libpcap0.8t64:amd64
  MarkDelete tcpdump:amd64 < 4.99.1-3ubuntu0.2 | 4.99.4-3ubuntu4 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (1) fwupd:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 -> 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umU Ib >
Broken fwupd:amd64 Depends on libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 < none | 4.0.1-7.1ubuntu5.1 @un umH > (>= 2.3.1)
  Considering libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64 2 as a solution to fwupd:amd64 3
  MarkKeep fwupd:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 -> 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
  Removing fwupd:amd64 rather than change libtss2-esys-3.0.2-0t64:amd64
  MarkDelete fwupd:amd64 < 1.7.9-1~22.04.3 | 1.9.27-0ubuntu1~24.04.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (1) libgs9:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK Ib >
Broken libgs9:amd64 Depends on libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mR > (= 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10)
  Considering libgs9-common:amd64 -2 as a solution to libgs9:amd64 1
  Added libgs9-common:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mR > FU=0
  Fixing libgs9:amd64 via keep of libgs9-common:amd64
Investigating (1) libgs-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib >
Broken libgs-common:amd64 Breaks on libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > (< 10)
  Considering libgs9-common:amd64 -2 as a solution to libgs-common:amd64 0
  Added libgs9-common:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkDelete libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > FU=0
  Fixing libgs-common:amd64 via remove of libgs9-common:amd64
Investigating (2) libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi pumH Ib >
Broken libvolume-key1:amd64 Depends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR >
  Considering gnupg:amd64 14 as a solution to libvolume-key1:amd64 10001
  Added gnupg:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > FU=0
  Fixing libvolume-key1:amd64 via keep of gnupg:amd64
 Try to Re-Instate (2) dirmngr:amd64
  MarkKeep dirmngr:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
 Try to Re-Instate (2) gpg:amd64
  MarkKeep gpg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
 Try to Re-Instate (2) gpgsm:amd64
  MarkKeep gpgsm:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU Ib > FU=0
Investigating (2) gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib >
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gnupg-l10n:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gnupg-l10n:amd64 5 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gnupg-l10n:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gnupg-utils:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gnupg-utils:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gnupg-utils:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpg-wks-client:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gpg-wks-client:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > (>= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpg-wks-client:amd64 11 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gpg-wks-client:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpg-wks-server:amd64 0 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gpg-wks-server:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > (>= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gpg-wks-server:amd64 0 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gpg-wks-server:amd64 to the remove list
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gpgv:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (< 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1.1~)
  Considering gpgv:amd64 128 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Added gpgv:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep gnupg-l10n:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > FU=0
  Fixing gnupg:amd64 via keep of gnupg-l10n:amd64
  MarkKeep gnupg-utils:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > FU=0
  Fixing gnupg:amd64 via keep of gnupg-utils:amd64
  MarkKeep gpg-wks-client:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > FU=0
  Fixing gnupg:amd64 via keep of gpg-wks-client:amd64
  Fixing gnupg:amd64 via keep of gpg-wks-client:amd64
  Ignore MarkKeep of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  Ignore MarkKeep of gpg-wks-server:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 | 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii pumR > as its mode (Delete) is protected
  MarkKeep gpgv:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > FU=0
  Fixing gnupg:amd64 via keep of gpgv:amd64
 Try to Re-Instate (2) gnupg-utils:amd64
Re-Instated gnupg-utils:amd64 (2 vs 2)
 Try to Re-Instate (2) gnupg-l10n:amd64
Re-Instated gnupg-l10n:amd64 (2 vs 2)
Investigating (2) libgs9:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK Ib >
Broken libgs9:amd64 Depends on libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mR > (= 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10)
  Considering libgs9-common:amd64 -2 as a solution to libgs9:amd64 1
  Added libgs9-common:amd64 to the remove list
  MarkKeep libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mR > FU=0
  Fixing libgs9:amd64 via keep of libgs9-common:amd64
Investigating (2) libgs-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib >
Broken libgs-common:amd64 Breaks on libgs9-common:amd64 < 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.10 @ii mK > (< 10)
  Considering libgs9-common:amd64 1 as a solution to libgs-common:amd64 0
  MarkKeep libgs-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libgs-common:amd64 rather than change libgs9-common:amd64
Investigating (2) libgs10-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib >
Broken libgs10-common:amd64 Depends on libgs-common:amd64 < none | 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uH >
  Considering libgs-common:amd64 0 as a solution to libgs10-common:amd64 -1
  MarkKeep libgs10-common:amd64 < none -> 10.02.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu7.4 @un uN Ib > FU=0
  Holding Back libgs10-common:amd64 rather than change libgs-common:amd64
 Try to Re-Instate (3) gpgv:amd64
Re-Instated gpgv:amd64 (1 vs 1)
Investigating (3) gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib >
Broken gnupg:amd64 Depends on gnupg-l10n:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 -> 2.4.4-2ubuntu17 @ii umU > (= 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1)
  Considering gnupg-l10n:amd64 10001 as a solution to gnupg:amd64 10001
  Removing gnupg:amd64 rather than change gnupg-l10n:amd64
  MarkDelete gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
Investigating (4) libvolume-key1:amd64 < 0.3.12-3.1build3 | 0.3.12-7build2 @hi pumH Ib >
Broken libvolume-key1:amd64 Depends on gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR >
  Considering gnupg:amd64 10001 as a solution to libvolume-key1:amd64 10001
    MarkKeep gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umR > FU=0
    Reinst Failed early because of gnupg-l10n:amd64
  MarkDelete gnupg:amd64 < 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1 @ii umH Ib > FU=0
  Considering gnupg:amd64 10001 as a solution to libvolume-key1:amd64 10001

Zukünftig bitte solche riesen Log Einträge extern verlinken. Das ist sich Mist.

Hallo @bisam2000 ,

ein kurzer Hinweis:
Suche nach brokenund versuche hier das Package zu deinstallieren.

Mehr möchte ich hier nicht schreiben, denn mir hat hier die Suche im Netz zu Ubuntu weitergeholfen.