Upgrade from Owncloud 7 to nextcloud

Hi all,

I am trying to do the following
I have Owncloud server running a version 7 and would like to go to nextcloud version 10.
First question will this work?

Then i have an idea to do a full dump off the owncloud database and import everything in a nextcloud database.
IS this supported.
Off course the files that i can move from owncloud to nextcloud thats not an issue and after that i can do a search again with php
So please advice

Hi Filip,

Great decision to move over to Nextcloud (and also to upgrade from the unsupported version 7 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) :thumbsup:

You will need to upgrade your ownCloud Instance in the following steps:

  • ownCloud 7 => ownCloud 8.0
  • ownCloud 8.0 => ownCloud 8.1
  • ownCloud 8.1 => ownCloud 8.2
  • ownCloud 8.2 => Nextcloud 9
  • Nextcloud 9 => Nextcloud 10

Oh yes … You’ll have to do many upgrades … Keep this in mind in the future and don’t wait until the last second to do your upgrades. You can not skip any major releases during upgrade progress!

Some tips:

  • Do backups (Data, Config, [whole Instance], Database, …)
  • With Nextcloud 9 / ownCloud 9.0 CalDAV and CardDAV will be migrated into a new backend. If you are using Calendar, Contacts and/or Tasks there will be a migration … Heads up! Double check if everything will be migrated well :wink:
  • If you use encryption, there is also some migration (I think you have to do this manually :grin:) … I think this is in the step “ownCloud 8.0 to 8.1” but i am not sure …

For every single upgrade step, you will find assistance in the forums of ownCloud (the old ones, which have some tutorials), the whole internet - and of course me and the other Nextclouders will be here to assist you :smile:

I am looking forward for your report about your upgrade experience :muscle:



Yes i understand but thats just the whole thing
We are mostly using the owncloud for storing some files.
and i already tried to upgrade from 7 to 8 and that fails each time (do not know why)
SO thats why i would just like to import all users and there files al the rest can be skipped maybe there some notes but i do not think there notes in our current owncloud.


About how many users are we talking here… If you have already tried to do the upgrade and it fails, we need logs, error messages and details about your environment to help you out best :wink:

Best Practice would be a filled out [issue template] (https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/issue_template.md) you post here in this theard :muscle:

You can start on a fresh setup, and then you can re-import all files. But, you need to create all users and all other settings (except the files itself) will be lost: Sharing files/folders is lost, all clients need to resync all data (even if on the local system), app data are lost as well (calendar and contacts could be manually exported and then imported on the new system).