Upgrade from 16.0.4 to 17 - Failed Integrity check - Extra files RightClick

See below the integrity check problem I have after updating to Nextcloud 17. I disabled several 3rd party apps before the update and copied their folders back to the apps folder after the upgrade and then reenabled. Seemed to go OK for all except RightClick. For Right Click I seemed to have extra files. Is it as easy as just deleting these files? Just wanted to make sure that this won’t cause problems in the future. Other than this the upgrade went well.

The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix


  • files_rightclick
      • l10n/hr.js
      • l10n/hr.json
      • screenshots/file.png
      • screenshots/folder.png
      • screenshots/picture.png

try removing said app and run integrity check again

and usually you could move them at some other place, do the update and then put them back to where they belonged. shouldn’t be a problem. i did that myself once.

remember to have a recent backup available… just in case

Upgrade the right click app to the latest version, solves the problem too. You don’t have to remove it.

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I did what you described - moved somewhere else and then back again which seems to have caused the problem

Oh, and I forgot. I’m in the latest version of the right-click app so nothing to upgarde to. I disabled and renabled but made no difference. How to completely uninstall the rightclick app?

maybe you changed permissions or ownership while doing so?

Strange, I had the same problem, and upgrading did help. Anyway, to disable use the App panel on your web view. Once disabled, it can be removed too.

Stupid question, but usually the directory path from the Nextcloud document root is shown in this kind of messages, but I’m missing the apps/ part here. Are you sure that the messages are not referring to an abandoned files_rightclick directory in the Nextcloud document root?

No question is stupid (I’m the master of stupid questions!). And i apologize for my basic questions since I’m a bot of a noob.

The ‘extra files’ are definitely in the files_rightclick apps folder. They have later dates than the other files so look to have been added after the initial install (maybe an upgrade of Rightclick?). they have the correct permissions.

In any case - and now here is my stupid question. I think I’m just going to uninstall Rightclick. To do that is it was simple as disabling the app, deleting (rm) the whole files_rightclick folder? Would be nice to have an uninstall option in the Nextcloud Apps settings!