Upgrade fails from 10.0.5 to 11.0.4

I’ve been struggling on this problem a while and the support from other threads has been ineffective for me.

I’ve migrated an owncloud instance from OC 9.1.4 to NC 10.0.5 as suggested by the installer : OK

Then I’ve got a notification indicating that I should upgrade to 1.0.4, but when I perform the upgrade, should it be via the web updater or manual update via occ upgrade I get the following database related error

Doctrine complains that there is no field uid in oc_accounts table
Chek done : there is not even an oc_accounts table in my database :wink:

I’ve also tried to upgrade directly to NC 12.0.2 but it is not allowed by the update script

What can I do ?



Nextcloud version :10.0.5
Operating system and version (eg, Debian 8):
Apache : Apache 2.4.10)
PHP version :, 5.6.30
Is this the first time you’ve seen this error?: Yes