UPDATED Aug 15 2018 - Script 100% auto install on Debian 9. Apache, MPM Event, php-fpm socket, Redis socket on both local and locking cache, LRU data eviction, LetsEncrypt SSL A+

Thanks for the tip! Really wanted to avoid using backports. Changed the script and improved it a bunch. Should work now!

Neat trick for mysql_secure_installation! However, on modern Debian/Ubuntu systems, the script is no-op. Read the script to see what it does – by default, there is no anonymous user, test database or remote root accounts. Try to run (as you described) β€œSELECT User, Host, password, plugin from mysql.user;” on a fresh MariaDB installation.

I have not yet tried the script with Ubuntu or Debian Testing. This script is for for Debian stable (aka Debian 9) Have they removed those questions in upstream versions of mysql_secure_installation ? Thanks for the heads up.

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