Update: Audio Player 1.3.0

Hello all,

we (@anon99252149 & @Rello ) just released Audio Player 1.3.0 with a lot of useful features.
Thank you for the support and requests you sent us.

  • fix: handling of temporary scanner files #68
  • fix: simpler analysis of incorrect files in scanner #57
  • fix: album sorted correctly by artist and album #80
  • fix: neutral cover for unknown album #16
  • fix: error message from ID3 editor shown in front-end #77
  • enhancement: occ support for library scan and reset #72
  • enhancement: select a dedicated folder for scanning in personal settings #79
  • enhancement: exclude folders from scanning via .noaudio file #79
  • enhancement: significantly reduce database reads during scanning #79
  • enhancement: cleanup of classes; move from \OC\Files\View to \OCP\Files\IRootFolder #72
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Available in the App Store and on GitHub.

Hint: To use the new features dedicated folder and exclude folders:

  • set a start folder in Personal Settings
  • enable “Show hidden files” in Settings of Files app
  • create a .noaudio file in every (!) folder to exclude from scanning
  • reset the library (by occ or web gui) – playlists will be deleted!
  • start scanning (by occ or web gui)

To hide files from scanning you have to reset the library after creating the .noaudio files to delete them from the library. To include previously excluded files in the library you have to delete the .noaudio file within the folder and start scanning again.

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Since installing the new 1.3.0 update I get the following error message everytime I try to run any! (not only audio player related) commands. If I disable the app over the GUI again, everything works fine?

(uiserver):p***:~/cloud$ php5.4-cli occ app:enable audioplayer
The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php
audioplayer enabled
(uiserver):p***:~/cloud$ php5.4-cli occ audioplayer:scan --all
The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /****/htdocs/cloud/apps/audioplayer/appinfo/register_command.php on line 30

could you plesae open an issue with the template here?
We need more information regarding the version you are using.
it should have been removed since 9.0.2

thank you

Created an issue at github: https://github.com/Rello/audioplayer/issues/91

You can use changelogs for this btw: http://nextcloudappstore.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer.html#changelog

Hi Bernhard,
yes, its part of the delivery already.
just a little more advertising :slight_smile: