Update 15.0.5 to 15.0.6

hi, I use NC V15.0.5 and the settings (production) tells me V15.0.6 is waiting for install.
If I click the button “Open Updater” then there is displayed
“Step 4 is currently in process. Please reload this page later.”
Click on Button “Download Now” downloads a zip file.
Where can I find the instruction how to deal with this file?

Wait a while and then open the updater again. It just takes time for a process to finish.

in the meanwhile there should be a version 15.0.7 … so as @small just said: try it again. sometimes downloadservers are under heavy load and thus you’d experience time-outs

I’ve tried several times but still get this error message when I click on “open Updater”, now for V15.0.7.
And again: Button “Download Now” works but I don’t know how to handle with it :cry:
I’m using Wordpress. Tried with Edge and Firefox.

checked some YouTube Videos and uploaded the zip-files via FileZilla. Now everything is fine :grinning:

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