Unclear Nextcloudpi update message

I got a notification in NextCloudPi telling me a new version is available. But when I check the details, it tells me there is an update for NextCloud (not pi), and the NextCloudPi is missing an update.

Is it safe to update at this point, or should I wait for a Nextcloudpi update first? I’m not 100% sure in what way the two differ/overlap/work together and what would happen if I update NextCloud, but not NextCloudPi.


i suggest to wait for an ncp update telling you that you could update to 16.0.4. its just smoother and additionally tested for working flawlessly

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To test (16.0.4) it, I’ve used nc-update-nextcloud on rpi3B with ncp 1.15.3 / nc 16.0.3
One has to manually set it 16.0.4 but it works fine.
Ncp users are recommended to use ncp tools to (preferably auto) update ncp, nc and apps.