Unable to open office files with WebDAV

It may be a coincidence, but I have not been able to open MS Office files since I updated to NC20.0.6. Now it’s 20.0.7. I have NC mounted on a network drive in Windows 10.

When I try to open a file, Office warns me that it cannot download the information I need.
I can’t open .doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv all. I can open it with no problem using LibreOffice. Office versions are 2016 and 2019.

I can download it locally and open it without any problem. I can duplicate the corresponding file on NC, but I cannot open it.

Is this a problem with NC20.0.6 or later, or is it a problem on the Office side?
Is there a solution?

Nextcloud 20.0.7, PHP 7.4.14, Nginx 1.18.0, Windows10, MS Office 2016/2019

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I found that I could not open files by double-clicking them in (Windows)Explorer, but I could open them from the Open menu in Excel and Word.

Why can’t I open a file by double-clicking on it?

I have the same problem with all my nextcloud instances. Didn’t find any solution by now.

We have the same issue, just opened a duplicate entry:

The difference between a working and non working systems is that the working systems a requesting a lock over the webdav-miniredir service, while on non working systems office tries to open the file directly without lock and gets a 401 unauthorized error back

But we are unable to identify the difference between working and non working systems

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