Unable to install files_accesscontrol v1.9.0 on Nextcloud 19

I’m not able to download and install files_accesscontrol v1.9.0 from https://github.com/nextcloud/files_accesscontrol for nextcloud 19.
I’ve tried with the source code but I’m unable to compile.
I’m not able to download and instal from within the nextcloud app
Please advise,
Thank you

Do you use this link e.g. on your server with wget?


I can download it.
If you need it from another source i can it host for you on my nextcloud instance for downloading. Send an answer or a PM.

After that you must unzip it:

gunzip ...
tar xvf ...
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Thank you. let me try and get back to you asap

Resolving github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com)… failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com

This is the same that I’ve got from nextcloud app

BY the way I’m able to download the source code but I cannot compile it

I have fix it. Thank you very much.

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