Translations for Android files client 3.5.0

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to let you know that we are closing in on the 3.5.0 release of the Android app and if you have some time to spare we would appreciate your help in getting more translations to 100% completeion :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for any help :heart:

Why you are write “Russian” and “Russian (Russia)” ? Just, It’s the same.
Russian language has no dialects.
office manager is sometimes have a stupor when he sees this for the first time. -> Select your language -> Russian or Russian (Russia)- What ?

Hello @ChArtem,

you are right.

The language “Russian (Russia) (ru_RU)” has been added last year and
has nearly no translated strings.
So I just removed the language from Transifex.
Please work on the one and only russian language.


Best regards.

Zitat von Artem via Nextcloud community

Hello @Andy

When is closing time?

Does is make sense to use your context to make an announcement at Transifex?


@tobiasKaminsky plans to do an RC1 on Monday,maybe Tuesday.

Announcement sounds good, there are still quite a couple of Languages that need some translation work done (not much).

Thanks for all the help @rakekniven :slight_smile:

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concerns German translation:
passcode ist meistens mit PIN ĂĽbersetzt, auĂźer bei

  • Delete your passcode
  • Passcode deleted

account ist meist mit Konto, einige Male mit Benutzerkonto ĂĽbersetzt

Anstatt “Mit verschiedenen Kontos verbinden” wäre “Mit verschiedenen Konten verbinden” üblicher

Done. See

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Let us discuss this issues in german forum.

Mit verschiedenen Kontos verbinden


Thanks a lot @rakekniven, already quite some more languages translated completely :slight_smile:

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