Top bar display on smartphone

When accessing with smartphone on NC15 or later, the display in the top bar is collapsed. For example, about 1/3 of the user account icon protrudes outside the screen. Horizontal scrolling can also be done on the file list section.

What can I fix to improve this?

Nextcloud 15.0.2

This happens with a small size smartphone. Perhaps it is narrower than the prescribed minimum width in CSS.
For example, when the user accesses the NC15 with iPhone SE (4" size), the content of the top bar protrudes from the screen when displayed in the vertical type. If I make it a horizontal screen and make it wider, it will be displayed in normal smartphone mode as before.

Can this be handled with custom CSS editing?
I tried editing the “header-left, right-header” class and “appmenu”, but I could not fix it well.

What is the CSS that I should edit?

Have you ever solved this? I’m facing the same problem with my custom app and NC 16.

Unfortunately, the top bar has not been solved.
However, the developer immediately worked on the file list display in NC17.0.0. In other words, the priority for adjusting the display position of the top bar is very low.