This server cannot connect to the Internet CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT (7)

Nextcloud version 25.0.3
Operating system and version Rocky 9`
Apache 2.4.53
PHP version 8.0.20


Since the installation of nextcloud I have the message “This server can’t connect to the Internet”, although I am accessing from the URL.

I also have the following errors:

internet_connection_check error GuzzleHttpExceptionConnectException: cURL error 7: for
internet_connection_check error GuzzleHttpExceptionConnectException: cURL error 7: for

So the error : cURL error 7 : indicates Failed to connect() to host or proxy. I don’t have any proxy to configure for the moment.

On the firewall side, I have opened the 80 and 443. With an nslookup and a ping I contact

On the certificate side, it’s with letsencrypt.

If you have any ideas I’m interested…

Thanks in advance !