There were problems with the code integrity check

Hello everybody,

Iā€™m new to nextcloud.
Installed Nextcloud 10.0.0 on my server. Worked without problems.
Adminpanel told me ā€œThere were problems with the code integrity checkā€¦ā€ so I read the documentation for this issue, but didnā€™t get it.
I uploaded config.php and version.php in binary mode, nothing changedā€¦

The list of the files told me:


  • core
      • core/doc/admin/_sources/configuration_files/collaborative_documents_configuration.txt
      • core/doc/admin/_static/img/note_pencil.svg
      • core/doc/admin/_static/style.css
      • core/fonts/LICENSE.txt
      • core/vendor/jsTimezoneDetect/jstz.js
      • core/doc/user/_static/img/warning.svg
  • files_external
      • 3rdparty/Dropbox/API.php
  • files_texteditor
      • js/vendor/ace/src-noconflict/mode-diff.js

You can see different files with INVALID HASHā€¦
What can I do to get rid of that warning message?

Hope for some help to newbe :slight_smile:

Best regards


Can you try with Filezilla ( Code-Signing and individual deployment), it seems to have worked with other users.