The cron job ? previewgenerator


might sound stupid, but i am really missing the bullet point 3 !

  1. Install the app
  2. Enable the app
  3. Add a (system) cron job for ./occ preview:pre-generate
  • I run it every 10 minutes

is it a OS cron job, is it a N13 cron job… Is there an exemple somewhere ?

To be honest, i don’t see the point to have an app without all option managed from the GUI.
When it is done from gui, the need to have a good support is not needed ( if the GUI is smart )

Otherwise write a good support. Specific, clear, smart.
Bullet point 3 doesn’t care about what OS your using, doesn’t care about specifics !

Above message is not a joke, so again, bullet point 3 help needed ( using Debian stretch )


I have created this as cron job: nextcloud_scripts/ at master · GAS85/nextcloud_scripts · GitHub
Not shure if commented part still actual for newer Gallery app.

It is also to de executed from the CLI, because it could take a lot of time to generate previews first time (it took me around 3 days to generate previews to all XXX Gb of jpgs.

ok, thanks.

the problem for me is i have modified to script to match my distro, except the /var/www/nextcloud/data/appdata_/preview
in non existant for me.

Nice try, but it doesnt clearly answer my original remark.

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coming back here…

Was able to create cronjob.
