Text-only chat: how to hide or turn off the video/audio parts in a Chat conversation?

I would like to open a text chat (Talk?) session with a class of students while teaching (in person).
I do not want video nor audio, and I do not want them to take up space on my screen. How do I and they get just a chat-only interface in a browser window?

I have my own nextcloud server running, and my laptop has the nextcloud app running under Ubuntu. Students will of course have whatever they have and should be able to access the chat with just a link in their browser. That part works fine with Nextcloud’s Talk interface, but I cannot resize-away the unused video part.

In other words: the help page https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/spreed says the following, which seems to be false: I cannot find a “simple text chat” without video/voice.

Chat integration! Nextcloud Talk comes with a simple text chat. Allowing you to share files from your Nextcloud and mentioning other participants.”

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