Text / Garbage on screen when trying to browse to installation page (php error?)

Hey guys, I’ve followed multiple tutorials on installation, this is on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install. I do everything I’m supposed to (multiple tutorials) and I’ve cleaned up the mess in between trying different ones, when I browse to my IP or localhost I get this. Any ideas?

<?php /** * @copyright Copyright © 2016, ownCloud, Inc. * * @author Georg Ehrke <oc.list@georgehrke.com> * @author Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com> * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd@butonic.de> * @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch> * @author Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de> * @author Robin Appelman <robin@icewind.nl> * @author Sergio Bertolín <sbertolin@solidgear.es> * @author Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu> * @author Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com> * * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * */ require_once DIR . ‘/lib/versioncheck.php’; try { require_once DIR . ‘/lib/base.php’; OC::handleRequest(); } catch(\OC\ServiceUnavailableException $ex) { \OC::$server->getLogger()->logException($ex, array(‘app’ => ‘index’)); //show the user a detailed error page OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); OC_Template::printExceptionErrorPage($ex); } catch (\OC\HintException $ex) { OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); try { OC_Template::printErrorPage($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getHint()); } catch (Exception $ex2) { \OC::$server->getLogger()->logException($ex, array(‘app’ => ‘index’)); \OC::$server->getLogger()->logException($ex2, array(‘app’ => ‘index’)); //show the user a detailed error page OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); OC_Template::printExceptionErrorPage($ex); } } catch (\OC\User\LoginException $ex) { OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); OC_Template::printErrorPage($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $ex) { \OC::$server->getLogger()->logException($ex, array(‘app’ => ‘index’)); //show the user a detailed error page OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); OC_Template::printExceptionErrorPage($ex); } catch (Error $ex) { try { \OC::$server->getLogger()->logException($ex, array(‘app’ => ‘index’)); } catch (Error $e) { $claimedProtocol = strtoupper($_SERVER[‘SERVER_PROTOCOL’]); $validProtocols = [ ‘HTTP/1.0’, ‘HTTP/1.1’, ‘HTTP/2’, ]; $protocol = ‘HTTP/1.1’; if(in_array($claimedProtocol, $validProtocols, true)) { $protocol = $claimedProtocol; } header($protocol . ’ 500 Internal Server Error’); header(‘Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8’); print(“Internal Server Error\n\n”); print(“The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.\n”); print(“Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.\n”); print(“More details can be found in the webserver log.\n”); throw $e; } OC_Response::setStatus(OC_Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); OC_Template::printExceptionErrorPage($ex); }

Since you use Ubuntu 18.04 I suggest this: Nextcloud 13 php problem

Thanks, I actually found that one and tried was was recommended to the other guy. Sadly same end result.

Nevertheless the error was thrown in index.php because of “OC::handleRequest();” So it seems you have a problem with PHP. Or maybe a problem with your file acces authorithations. Try chown -R www-data:www-data

Tried that, didn’t work. Did a complete gut job and reinstall with same result but I noticed one thing if I go to localhost or my IP or IP/nextcloud I get that garbage above BUT if I go to my IP/nextcloud/index.php, it’ll come up! Does that point to a certain problem?

It could be a wrong setup of your apache server. Did you check the errorlog of your apache server?