Text chat only, no video

My server doesn’t have the bandwidth for video conferencing, screen sharing, etc. Can I disable the video features and only allow text chat?

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Unless you install the talk high performance backend, those will be handled on a peer-to-peer basis, so the server’s bandwidth is not used.

In other words, the video stream from one call participant will be sent DIRECTLY to the other call participant(s) without going through the server.

This approach has a practical limit of about 3 or 4 video call participants before things start to fail.


Not possible so far

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@nickvergessen His objective was to protect his server from the high bandwidth demands that he believed would come with video conferencing. As I explained to him, this wouldn’t be an issue.

But even then it needs to be picked up. The Nextcloud employees currently work on Call features and improvements, so we won’t pick up removing this as first “fun” task
Disable Calling Functionality · Issue #1282 · nextcloud/spreed · GitHub

Every Nextcloud release has a bouquet of new features again. Perhaps one should also reconsider old solutions. Too bad.

23 likes on issue Disable calling functions