Syncronisation problem with contacts

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Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can :heart:

Nextcloud version (eg, 25.0.2): 25.0.2
Operating system and version (Linux Kernel 3.10): Linux Kernel 3.10 (my provider)
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.54): 2.4.54
PHP version (eg, 8.0): 8.0.25

The issue you are facing:
The syncronisation via webdav does not work correctly but I get no error. On my computer the synchronisation of the Thunderbird addressbook seems to work but the contacts are not in the cloud app.
Something strange: When I send a mail from my computer this contact become syncronised.
When I create a new contact it is synchronised too.

Beside this there is no possibility to select an addressbook because they are not visible (only visible in the settings). I can only see all contacts.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y): since the upgrade from version 24

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

Es gibt einige Fehler bei deiner Systemkonfiguration.
Letzte Cron-Job-AusfĂŒhrung: Vor 1 Stunde. Check the background job settings ↗.
MySQL wird als Datenbank verwendet, unterstĂŒtzt jedoch keine 4-Byte-Zeichen. Um beispielsweise 4-Byte-Zeichen (wie Emojis) ohne Probleme mit Dateinamen oder Kommentaren verarbeiten zu können, wird empfohlen, die 4-Byte-UnterstĂŒtzung in MySQL zu aktivieren. FĂŒr weitere Details lese bitte die Dokumentationsseite hierzu ↗.
Der "Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header ist nicht auf mindestens "15552000“ Sekunden eingestellt. FĂŒr mehr Sicherheit wird das Aktivieren von HSTS empfohlen, wie es in den Sicherheitshinweisen ↗ erlĂ€utert ist.
Du hast deine E-Mail-Serverkonfiguration noch nicht festgelegt oder ĂŒberprĂŒft. Bitte gehe zu den Grundeinstellungen , um sie einzustellen. Verwende anschließend die SchaltflĂ€che "E-Mail senden" unterhalb des Formulars, um deine Einstellungen zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen.
FĂŒr deine Installation ist keine Standard-Telefonregion festgelegt. Dies ist erforderlich, um Telefonnummern in den Profileinstellungen ohne LĂ€ndercode ĂŒberprĂŒfen zu können. Um Nummern ohne LĂ€ndercode zuzulassen, fĂŒge bitte "default_phone_region" mit dem entsprechenden ISO 3166-1-Code ↗ der gewĂŒnschten Region hinzu.
Es wurde kein PHP Memory Cache konfiguriert. Konfiguriere zur Erhöhung der LeistungsfĂ€higkeit, soweit verfĂŒgbar, einen Memory Cache. Weitere Informationen findest du in unserer Dokumentation ↗.
Das PHP OPcache-Modul ist nicht richtig konfiguriert. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Dokumentation ↗.
Das PHP-OPcache-Modul ist nicht geladen. FĂŒr eine bessere Leistung empfiehlt es sich, das Modul in deiner PHP-Installation zu laden.
Das PHP-Modul "imagick" ist nicht aktiviert, die Theming-App hingegen schon. Damit die Favicon-Generierung korrekt funktioniert, musst du dieses Modul installieren und aktivieren.

The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!):

$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' => '',
  'passwordsalt' => '',
  'secret' => '',
  'trusted_domains' => 
  array (
    0 => '',
  'datadirectory' => '/home/kno2363/nextclouddata',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
  'dbname' => 'kno2363_cloud1',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'dbuser' => '',
  'dbpassword' => '',
  'installed' => true,
  '' => 'stable',
  'updater.secret' => '',
  'maintenance' => false,
  'theme' => '',
  'loglevel' => 2,

The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/____:

not available

Output errors in nextcloud.log in /var/www/ or as admin user in top right menu, filtering for errors. Use a pastebin service if necessary.

The cron job problem as described in other posts

Something new:
The problem occures when I try to synchronize the addressbook of Thunderbird. Now I installed the addressbook cardbook in Thunderbird, imported contacts in this and tried to synchronize this addressbook and it works. I don’t know why not with the original addressbook of Thunderbird.

For now I can live with this solution although the problem is not solved.

To me, that sounds as it is working as designed. CardDAV does not synchronize contacts from one address book to another. CardDAV does synchronize address books from one device to another. If you want new contacts in Thunderbird to appear in Nextcloud, you have to make sure that the respective contacts are added to an address book that exists on your Nextcloud. If you create a new contact in a local address book of Thunderbird on your PC, it will not appear on your Nextcloud instance.

But it worked without problems with the Nextcloud version 24.
When I changed a contact in the Thunderbird addressbook or I added a new contact I saw the changes in the Nextcloud contacts app and it synchronized also back to my other computers.
And it works also with the cardbook addressbook with the actual version 25.0.2

Then you probably added the contacts to the

What do you mean by “the Thunderbird addressbook”? Thunderbird can manage multiple address books. On a fresh Thunderbird installation there is only the default local address book. Then you can create more local address books, or you can add remote address books via CardDAV protocol, like for example the address books from your Nextcloud server. If you want Thunderbird to add new email addresses to an address book on your Nextcloud server, you probably have to set this specific address book as the default for new contacts, otherwise it will probably just use the default local one.

I have not used Thunderbird in a while. But as far as I can remember, the integration of external CardDAV and CalDAV servers never really worked well without any extensions. That’s the reason why the Cardbook extension exists in the first place. However, from what I heard, in the latest Thunderbird version, you should be able to add address books and calendars from external DAV servers directly in Thunderbird, but I have not tested it myself

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