Start videos (movies) hosted at vimeo

I’m hosting large movies at vimeo which I want to share only with a protect group of people.
How can I start movies within (the password protected environment) Nextcloud, similar I could do it on a website. Embedded code similar like this:
iframe src=“” width=“640” height=“360” frameborder=“0” allow=“autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe
Thanks for any response

You can share bookmarks with the app “Link Editor”.
(no embedded code)

Also you can use the app “External Sites”
(no embedded code)

Perhaps you can build something with the app “Pico CMS”
(perhaps embedded code possible)

Thanks for your quick reponse. Will check all your worthy hints.

I’ trying to solve my problem with cms_pico. But I’m stilling struggling with the same issue. iframe obviously is not allowed. What is the best way to play a movie (hosted at a different storage compared to the nextcloud) inside an cms_pico .md file?
There is a plug-in for Youtube but not for Vimeo (?).