Spaces and special caracters problem nextcloud 20.0.0

Problem facing fies and folders that have spaces in the name like “new folder” error or if the file name is “my cv” give error as well but if I have “mycv” everithing works right.

if someone can help i apreciate

Please be more precise in your problem description. What have you done, when, in which order with what result. As usual provide detailed information about your environment and related Nextcloud log entries.

So everitime I upload a file with name “my document.pdf” the system wont alow me select to share or view tags
if I upload the same file without spaces like “mydocument.pdf” Im able to share and add tag.

the log files im so sorry but I dont find them.
if you can help to find i apreciate.
I found one log file under the path /public_html/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log but the file contain a lots of information i dont now what to send.

many thanks

I have the nextcloud in a googiehost with a free acount
more information about the problem
when I try to delet the file its imposible it still remains in the system I think the system wont grab any file that have blank spaces on the name.
Im able to do everithing just have to rename my files in local drive to remove the spaces and then upload and works.
but if I can solve this I will be thankfull