Souci synchronisation de fichiers : "Connexion fermée"


Je rencontre des soucis rĂ©currents de synchronisation sur un poste de travail (Linux Mint 20.3 avec le client 3.3.2) oĂč certains fichiers ne sont pas synchronisĂ©s avec le message “Connexion fermĂ©e”
J’ai essayĂ© diffĂ©rentes version du client (du 2.6 au 3.4.2 puis retour au 3.3 et des poussiĂšres), en repartant de zĂ©ro sur le dossier de synchro local mais le souci reste toujours prĂ©sent

Sur le serveur, c’est du Nextcloud Hub II (23.0.1)

2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ warning nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:	QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError "Connexion fermée" QVariant(int, 200)
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	"Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:	Setting blacklist entry for "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif" 1 "Connexion fermée" 1643877489 25 1627916882 "6a4bbbb5c23cdb720f8681a0f33ad7f3" "" 0
2022-02-03 09:38:09:978 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 2 "6a4bbbb5c23cdb720f8681a0f33ad7f3"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 3 1627916882
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 4 1
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 5 "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 6 1643877489
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 7 25
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 8 ""
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 9 0
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 10 "d49c78bc-6394-41f2-a106-85085452c8db"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:979 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO blacklist (path, lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId) VALUES ( ?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9, ?10)"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:980 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	Last exec affected 1 rows.
2022-02-03 09:38:09:980 [ warning nextcloud.sync.propagator ]:	Could not complete propagation of "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif" by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x55a016672be0) with status OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError and error: "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:980 [ debug nextcloud.sync.statustracker ]	[ OCC::SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted ]:	Item completed "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif" OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError CSyncEnums::CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
2022-02-03 09:38:09:980 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -3782278510870938772
2022-02-03 09:38:09:980 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 8236272418854933121
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -8042949587159228021
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -7552846222662459637
2022-02-03 09:38:09:981 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 5708464719496205056
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 304304579844219280
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Item  "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif"  retrieved resulted in  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Item  "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif"  retrieved resulted in error  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:982 [ info nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Error successfully added to the notification list:  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]	[ OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished ]:	Network job OCC::GETFileJob finished for "/COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/ZAD2.tif"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.networkjob.get ]	[ OCC::GETFileJob::slotReadyRead ]:	Actually finished!
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	request finished
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ warning nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]:	QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError "Connexion fermée" QVariant(int, 200)
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]:	"Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ info nextcloud.sync.database ]:	Setting blacklist entry for "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg" 1 "Connexion fermée" 1643877489 25 1627916932 "6e8daa42aaa5021bb12668a766019b65" "" 0
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 2 "6e8daa42aaa5021bb12668a766019b65"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 3 1627916932
2022-02-03 09:38:09:983 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 4 1
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 5 "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 6 1643877489
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 7 25
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 8 ""
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 9 0
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 10 "f9db466e-b73c-47f0-b8f2-3de8f748fe2c"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO blacklist (path, lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId) VALUES ( ?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9, ?10)"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	Last exec affected 1 rows.
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ warning nextcloud.sync.propagator ]:	Could not complete propagation of "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg" by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x55a0166ad9d0) with status OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError and error: "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.statustracker ]	[ OCC::SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted ]:	Item completed "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg" OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError CSyncEnums::CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -3782278510870938772
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 8236272418854933121
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -8042949587159228021
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -7552846222662459637
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 5708464719496205056
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -4013648470905888273
2022-02-03 09:38:09:984 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Item  "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg"  retrieved resulted in  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Item  "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg"  retrieved resulted in error  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ info nextcloud.gui.activity ]:	Error successfully added to the notification list:  "Connexion fermée"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ debug nextcloud.sync.networkjob ]	[ OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished ]:	Network job OCC::GETFileJob finished for "/COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0938.jpg"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ debug nextcloud.sync.networkjob.get ]	[ OCC::GETFileJob::slotReadyRead ]:	Actually finished!
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ debug nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher ]	[ OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored ]:	* Ignoring file "/home/utilisateurice/nuage/COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210713-NDDL/.ZAD2.tif.~257cc3b4"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:985 [ debug nextcloud.gui.folderwatcher ]	[ OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored ]:	* Ignoring file "/home/utilisateurice/nuage/COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/.IMG_0938.jpg.~41fd0f1b"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ info nextcloud.sync.propagator ]:	Starting CSyncEnums::CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW propagation of "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0988-w.jpg" by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x55a0166ad9d0)
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug ]	[ OCC::PropagateDownloadFile::start ]:	"COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0988-w.jpg" 1
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 -4013648470905888273
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize,  ignoredChildrenRemote, || ':' || contentChecksum, e2eMangledName, isE2eEncrypted  FROM metadata  LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == WHERE phash=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0988-w.jpg"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "SELECT tmpfile, etag, errorcount FROM downloadinfo WHERE path=?1"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 1 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/IMG_0988-w.jpg"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 2 "COMMCOMM/02_PROJETS/MAG/articles/archives/20210727-Agora-Angers/.IMG_0988-w.jpg.~3373a54a"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 3 "26a0ad6a5fc764d0e0904096369313d2"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::bindValue ]:	SQL bind 4 0
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	SQL exec "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO downloadinfo (path, tmpfile, etag, errorcount) VALUES ( ?1 , ?2, ?3, ?4 )"
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database.sql ]	[ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]:	Last exec affected 1 rows.
2022-02-03 09:38:09:987 [ debug nextcloud.sync.database ]	[ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]:	Transaction commit "download file start" and starting new transaction

Vous auriez une piste pour orienter mes recherches de solutions ?


aviez-vous trouvé une solution à ce problÚme ?

bonjour, pour suivre, je rencontre le mĂȘme souci actuellement

Mon nextcloud est hébergé par ionos, et vous ?

A force de chercher, j’ai trouvĂ© que ce paramĂ©trage limite les dĂ©gats (moins de fichiers en erreur)


Mais il reste encore des erreurs sur des ficheirs de 72mo 143mo 200mo

j’étais chez ionos aussi, chez ovh depuis quelques jours.
quel fichier avez-vous modifié?


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