[SOLVED] Sync via Local IP in LAN and via DDNS:443 in Internet


I’ve set up an environment with Nextcloud, Nginx and LetsEncrypt container. It works fine for sync via DDNS address, but now I’m trying to sync 600GB and it tries to sync via DDNS address. I’m in LAN so it would be better to sync directly, but the nginx is working properly and it forbidds any unsigned requests…

Do you have any idea, how am I able to sync in LAN directly?

Thank you.

Added local address to trusted domains and added local server to nginx config - now I have the possibility to sync in LAN via IP address and from outside LAN via DDNS

I hope you wouldn’t mind to put your edit-part into a new answer to that thread so that we could makr that one answer as the solution?

Added local address to trusted domains and added local server to nginx config - now I have the possibility to sync in LAN via IP address and from outside LAN via DDNS

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