Solved - Nextcloud App "Notes" 3.5.1 Error (with Nextcloud 18)

I use the “Notes” app and up to version 3.4.0 all functions are ok.
But when I update to version 3.5.1, the app stops with the following message

Auf den Notizordner kann nicht zugegriffen werden: An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO oc_notes_meta (user_id, file_id, last_update, file_etag, content_etag, etag) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’ with params [XXXXXXXXXXXXX"]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘file_etag’ in ‘field list’

Bitte wähle einen geeigneten Verzeichnispfad in den Einstellungen (unten links).

i deinstall and reinstall the App but no change
Does one of you have an idea?


it seems as if a column is missing in your local database.

sure there are no unsolved error/configuration-messages under adminaccount: setup - administration - overview (or kind of like that)?

yes, there are unfortunately a few.
It’s funny that up to version 3.4.0 it works without any problems with the Notes app

i dunno if they are related to your initial problem… but it would be good if you’d solve them first

maybe they needed to add a column, though? i dunno.

Ich konnte alle Warnmeldungen im Admin Panel beseitigen.
Dennoch bleibt das Problem bestehen, es hat sich nichts geändert :frowning:


please keep in mind that you posted your issue in the intl. part of the forum. If you’d answer in german your thread is moved to the german subforum.

try searching the forum for add missing indices - which is an occ command (manual would know how to deal with that as well)

The Problem is solved, who cares ->