I get a nfs mount in my NC folder to be able to accces to my picture sored in another server.
Il work fine with a cron job that perform a files:scan periodicly.
But when I need to upgrade NC the backup never end if I let the nfs mounted.
If I unmount the nfs disk before upgrade the backup works…
I was wondering if it was possible to exclude from the backup (befor upgrade) a specific directory?
PS : my pictures are bacup by a rsync on anoter server…
You can disable the built-in updaters backup by using the --no-backup option at the command-line (Docs - Upgrading: Troubleshooting).
I was wondering if it was possible to exclude from the backup (before upgrade) a specific directory?
Your data directory is already excluded from the backup. The built-in updater’s backup doesn’t actually backup up any of your data. So hopefully you’re already backing up both your database and your files per the official backup procedure (or something similar).
The cause for what you’re experiencing is that the function that excludes things still travels down the filesystem in order to decide what to exclude. It’s a known issue.