Snap Nextcloud export and import (Solved)


Before a migration I try to do a export and import instance with Snap package.

With a fresh install on Ubuntu Server 20.04 I install Nextcloud and export from my VM1

sudo snap install nextcloud
sudo nextcloud.manual-install user password
sudo nextcloud.export

With a fresh install on Ubuntu Server 20.04 I install snap Nextcloud , share folder for import previous backup ( /mnt ) and I try to import

sudo snap install nextcloud
sudo snap connect nextcloud:removable-media
sudo nextcloud.import /mnt/.../backup

WARNING: This functionality is still experimental and under
development, use at your own risk. Note that the CLI interface is
unstable, so beware if using from within scripts.

Enabling maintenance mode... done
Clearing existing non-default apps... done
Importing apps...
rsync: chown "/var/snap/nextcloud/21796/nextcloud/extra-apps/." failed: Operation not permitted (1)

I don’t understand why.

Why do I get this error?

Thank you

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If the backup is outside the folder /var/snap/nextcloud/… it doesn’t work.


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