Single VPS, Snap NC Install and configuring static pages with other subdomains? Possible?

I used snap to install NC15, which is working great. I have it running on a VPS subdomain,, but I get a “Access through untrusted domain” message on I can’t find anywhere to configure a static page for the main site and eventually would like to host another sub-domain on the same server.

I thought maybe I could run separate Apache from /var/www/html and use vhosts to direct to the various subs, while hosting the main site? Is this possible with the snap still installed? If so, how?

I just want to just host a static site on My NC on and a blog on All hosted on the same VPS. Possible??

Am I going to have to install Apache2, then move everything over to the new install, then uninstall the snap NC? If so, how hard is it to move the files, db etc over to Apache from a snap install? Is there a recommended method for this sort of thing?

I solved this with a complete OS reinstall and apache vhosts