Since version 3.15 of client I get error "413 Request Entity Too Large"

Hello All,

Even though I changed the parameters in the php.ini file to 16GB max files to 1024 and a memory limit of 2G for PHP, added the “client_max_body_size” to 2G on my nGinx Proxy Manager. The Windows and Linux clients of Nextcloud is not able to update any files larger then 12MB.
Through the webinterface of nextcloud I easily able to upload larger files even 10GB+ files are no issue. But the client is not able to.

Any advice/tips?

I use Nextcloud server version 30.0.5, client 3.15.3 (on Windows 11 and on 2 Fedora40 Laptops).

With the previous versions I didn’t have the issue, but I don’t exactly know from what version on it started failing.

Any help is appreciated.

It get’s even worse. It seems it is some sort of a buffer that is getting full in some way. Slowly the max size that I can upload is decreased.
I hear you say… Quota… No it is not that, I use 18GB with quota of max 100GB.
Could it be the OPCache?
of can I clean it somewhere? Database or so…

A 413 is generated by a web server or reverse proxy.

Please check the error logs of both in your environment.

client_max_body_size” to 2G o

The desktop client can use a maximum chunk size of up to 5 GiB so try bumping this up or setting it to 0 to test without a limit. Another option is to change the desktop client config to use a smaller chunk size. The details are covered in other threads here as well as in the docs.