I am in the process of configuring saml for nextcloud with simplephpsaml. Iā€™m using Nextcloud 16.
Here is my information:
Nextcloud saml:

idp: https: //domainsimplephpsaml/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php
Login url: https: //domainsimplephpsaml/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php
Logout url: https: //domainsimplephpsaml/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php


Nextcloud metadata: https: //domainnextcloud/index.php/apps/user_saml/metadata
ACS Url: https: //domainnextcloud/index.php/apps/user_saml/acs
Logout: https: //domainnextcloud/index.php/apps/user_saml/sls

When I click I test the connection at simplephpsaml, its working. but when I want to connect to the simplephpsalml login by nextcloud, I get the error:

SimpleSAML \ Error \ MetadataNotFound: METADATANOTFOUND (ā€™% ENTITYID%ā€™ => ā€˜ā€™ [https: //domainnextcloud/index.php/apps/user_saml/saml/metadata ā€˜ā€™] (https: //domainnextcloud/index.php/apps / user_saml / saml / metadata% E2% 80% 99% 80% 99% E2))

3 lib / SimpleSAML / Metadata / MetaDataStorageHandler.php: 340 (SimpleSAML \ Metadata \ MetaDataStorageHandler :: getMetaData)
2 lib / SimpleSAML / Metadata / MetaDataStorageHandler.php: 360 (SimpleSAML \ Metadata \ MetaDataStorageHandler :: getMetaDataConfig)
1 modules / saml / lib / IdP / SAML2.php: 380 (SimpleSAML \ Module \ saml \ IdP \ SAML2 :: receiveAuthnRequest)
0 www / saml2 / idp / SSOService.php: 21 (N / A)

Need your help to solve this problem. The metadata displays well in simplephpsaml and I can also download them.

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did you find the solution? I got stuck with the same problem.