Server-side ignore list

Hi! From what I’ve read, to add a server-side ignore pattern, I need to add the “Block access to file” flow with a file name regex. So I added these two regexes (macOS .DS_Store files and temporary MS Word files):


and it works. But I have some questions:

  • How is this different from the forbidden_filenames config option and which one is preferred?
  • It says ‘WARNING: USE THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.’ under forbidden_filenames doc. What exactly should I know? It’s a confusing warning
  • When uploading a folder with a file from ignore list (like .DS_Store) via web interface, I get two warnings: “Some files could not be uploaded” and “Operation is blocked by access control”. Is there a way to disable these warnings from popping up, or at least see what files failed to upload? Clicking those warnings does nothing, and Activity tab shows nothing.
  • Recommend some more filename regexes to ignore

I am running Nextcloud 29.0.4 on Docker (nextcloud:latest image).

(this is a copy of my Reddit post)

Technically forbidden_filenames doesn’t exist in 29. It’s new in 30 and there’s some active work in this area. But that’s not what you’re asking. :slight_smile:

You may want to skim the link below for broader context. Just keep in mind it’s for the upcoming 30. There’s a bunch of working going on right now. Some of which enables better handling and reporting in the various clients (disclaimer: I’m not fully up to speed; I’ve only half-skimmed the recent discussions).

Off the top of my head I would use the forbidden_filenames. Since it’ll be exposed to the clients and then the clients can do intelligent things with that information.

I think of the flow based rules being more about security/policy/business processes. And I also don’t believe the flow-based rules are exposed to clients, but might be wrong there.

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Thank you! I didn’t realize the docs are being updated ahead of the current stable version.

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