S3 caching options?

Some S3 services are a little slower than others and I’d like to know if there is a caching option for S3 that would speed up access for certain files that fit within a threshold on the NextCloud Server.

Just as an example, let’s say I have a 20 GB server to host NextCloud and a Wasabi S3 bucket we’re using. Sometimes Wasabi seems to drag a bit. Can we set up NextCloud to use 10 GB or so for caching buckets within a certain time period and/or size threshold to speed up access for these frequently used or recent files that fit within the cache?

Yes, it’s called nginx or varnish reverse proxy. Both options have caching.

PHP also has built in caching options such as opcache, redis and apc cache.

Good luck!

So I guess then the answer is no… NextCloud itself does not cache files, but you can implement it via a custom setup. Hrm.

Alright, well I’ll dig in further to options such as this.

Just had hoped there was a more direct method integrated into NextCloud.

It’s not a custom setup. That’s how caching works on the web.

I don’t know how you would go about implementing caching directly in nextcloud but you are welcome to do so as it’s open source.