S.O.S : Keep NextCloud Great

Not every issue at GitHub is a bug. Not every bug report is a real bug.

But anyway thank you for praising Nextcloud :love_letter:

I am new to and really like Nextcloud. I am an MSP for small businesses some of which could who could, with effort, be switched to Nextcloud. Any features that remain open source and transparent but help us make this switch will be great, but for us time is running out. We have a number of clients with some ageing versions of MS Office e.g. 2013 to 2019 and we really want Nextcloud to be part of our offer before we have to switch them to O365. I do not feel we are there yet, but we’ll take stock in January 2021 and see where we are. The biggest issue so far is lack of a GUI based backup and the unreliability of the GUI based upgrades. Customers demand these things and so far I’ve not seen them.

The problem is that these heavy task take a lot of resources and easily trigger timeouts when run via GUI. Backups ideally run automatically on a regular basis and don’t need to be started manually. Problem is with restore that if you wanted a full solution for that, it’s more complicated.

The upgrades over CLI are more reliable. In a business environment, I’d take the time to do this manually, so you decided when, do some tests etc. Especially if you have larger setups with a lot of data and users, you have to be careful.

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I think NC does not need backup tools at all.
For anything but extreme cases NC is run as a VM.
And for those there are enterprise backup tools like Veeam…

And Veeam 10 community edition - backup of up to 10VMs - is free…