Roadmap for apps

Hey there,

i’ve wondered where to find a roadmap to the different apps in the appstore.
I’d like to know where the devs want to see their app in the future.

At the server-side i found the milestone section where all the changes for a upcoming version are listed. Thats not a roadmap but it is some information.

At different apps i like to use i cant find any information about future releases, just the changelog.

Maybe i’m overseeing things? Where to look for a roadmap?

Thanks for your help

There are many different apps, partly developed by Nextcloud, others by a small community and some just by individual developers. There is not one roadmap for all apps.
Nextcloud worked on a better integration of apps with each other but they mostly followed some internal roadmap.

I’d check the bug tracker in general. Sometimes they create overview topics where they show some roadmaps. You also get an idea who is developing the app, if there are many Nextcloud developers, or just a single person.