Restore not possible

I use nc-backup-auto to run backups automatically on an external drive.
At the moment I have 2 backups, I need to restore the last one, but unfortunately I can’t, I get the message “disk full”.
I connected via ftp to download the backups to my pc and delete one to free up space “Impossible access denied”
please help

the file is owned by: root
group: www-data

that is odd

if you type
df -h
in the terminal, what does it say, how full are the drives?

I assume that you have a new (clean/empty) ncp setup and now restore from the backup?

thank you very much for your help
I have 2 hd

  1. USBdrive1, contained the data, but I lost everything
  2. backup, contains 2 backups

df -h
Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
/dev/root 15G 9.0G 4.7G 66% /
devtmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.9G 22M 3.9G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.9G 246M 3.7G 7% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1 253M 54M 199M 22% /boot
tmpfs 788M 4.0K 788M 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda1 1.9T 3.8M 1.9T 1% /media/USBdrive1
/dev/sdb1 932G 753G 180G 81% /media/sauvegarde

I have 2 backups
ls -lh /media/sauvegarde/ncp
total 750G
-rw-r----- 1 root www-data 375G fév 22 11:32 nextcloud-bkp_20210222_1613959203.tar.gz
-rw-r----- 1 root www-data 375G mar 1 11:43 nextcloud-bkp_20210301_1614564002.tar.gz

I plugged the hard drive with the backups into another machine with ubuntu and it was impossible to copy or delete the backup files.

Yes, you don’t have the necessary permissions to do that.
I’m sure you could copy using sudo in the command line.

But I’m not sure why you would want to do that. I see that you still have 19% empty space on /media/savegarde (which I assume to be your Backup Drive). This should be enough to restore the backup, as far as I know, there is only a small file created for every time you restore a backup.

Here is a doc on how to restore a backup

  • Are you following these steps?
  • When exactly do you get the “disk full” message?

blessed Easter

thank you very much for your help.

I’m sure you could copy using sudo in the command line.

I searched on the web how to download on my Windows pc with putty the backup, but unfortunately I didn’t find a solution.
if you have one, i would be grateful to you to give it to me.

But I’m not sure why you would want to do that. I see that you still have 19% empty space on /media/savegarde (which I assume to be your Backup Drive). This should be enough to restore the backup, as far as I know, there is only a small file created for every time you restore a backup.

Maybe the problem is that my backup is compressing. Before restoring, maybe you need to decompress?

Are you following these steps?
When exactly do you get the “disk full” message?

The only step I didn’t do is "11. On the left in the section “Backups” choose “nc-import-ncp”
But, I’m doing it right now, I’ll give you news when it’s finished. The process started 10 minutes ago.

after waiting all night for the execution of point "11. On the left in the section “Backups” choose “nc-import-ncp”

nc-restore does not work anymore

Use the pscp command on the console, which is part of the Putty software, to copy files.

Thank you for your help!
I managed to copy the backups to another hard drive with the terminal with sudo su.
Then I reinstalled nextcloudpi. At the moment I am trying to restore the backup without freeing up space on the hard drive that contains the backup. I’m pretty sure this won’t work. If it does, I will free up space by deleting a file on the backup drive and restart the restore.

@j-ed thanks for taking over, I was running out of wisdom… :sweat_smile:
@Jeano How did it go? Was your Backup compressed? (Still trying to understand why it said “disk full”

That is only if you exported your ncp configs, not to restore the data backup.

I finally succeeded.
Little advice to succeed in your restoration.

  1. when you backup your data, if you check the “compress” box, you need a large hard disk because the decompression of the hard disk is done in the disk that contains the backup. For my part, I would not check this box anymore.

  2. To move or save your backups on another hard disk you must use the terminal and have “root” access. With the user “pi” you have to use the command “sudo su”.
    To copy, you can use the tutorial on this site cp - Copier fichier et dossier en ligne de commande -

  3. do not follow all the steps in How To Restore NextCloudPi Backup using web panel. | NextCloudPi Documentation
    focus on “Restoring the data-backup” first otherwise you may have additional problems like in my case.

  4. launch the restoration from a machine that can be switched on 24 hours a day and that does not go to sleep otherwise you cannot see the progress of the restoration.

  5. Be patient, it took more than 24 hours to restore 400GB.

J’ai finalement réussi.
Petits conseils pour réussir votre restauration.

  1. lors de la sauvegarde de vos données, si vous cochez la case “compress” il faut prévoir un disque dur de grosse taille puisque la décompression de celui-ci se fait dans le disque que contient la sauvegarde. Pour ma part, je ne cocherais plus cette case.

  2. Pour déplacer ou sauvegarder vos sauvegardes sur un autre disque dur il faut utiliser le terminal et avoir l’accès “root”. Avec l’utilisateur “pi” il faut utiliser la commande “sudo su”.
    Pour copier, vous pouvez utiliser le tuto de ce site cp - Copier fichier et dossier en ligne de commande -

  3. ne suivez pas toutes les étapes de How To Restore NextCloudPi Backup using web panel. | NextCloudPi Documentation
    concentrez-vous d’abord sur "Restoring the data-backup” autrement vous risquez d’avoir des problèmes supplémentaires comme das mon cas.

  4. lancez la restauration depuis une machine qui peut être allumée 24 sur 24 heures et que ne se met pas en veille autrement vous ne pouvez pas voir l’avancement de la restauration.

  5. Armez-vous de patience, la restauration de 400go a pris plus de 24 heures.

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Thank you very much for the hard work and for documenting well!
I will update the docs accordingly.

Just one point I’m not entirely sure what you mean.

What do you mean exactly? Which steps? I’d like to add a note, as to warn others so as not to run into the same problems.


I have corrected my message