Remove url link from User Notification about uploaded Files

I setup the Nextcloud and is work very well.
Make users group and shared directories for each user.
When we upload files for some user directories user get the Notification email about uploaded files.
All files have url link, but is not some us conveniently because the user need to login for see files.
In our situations we not need the user to login from web interface.
All users used the Webdav for see files.
I try to found how remove the url link to files in user notification.
And I found it in file

lines around 359 , 373

And need comment out the line

‘link’ => $this->url->linkToRouteAbsolute(‘files.viewcontroller.showFile’, [‘fileid’ => $encryptionContainer->getId()]),

Backup the file and keep it out from nextcloud path.
When you upgrade the version you need to comment out again the line.

P.S. Some solution for Users and Admins Notification
When you setup the smtp and emails sends ok you can the change time when Notification send it.
Setup the cron job for Notification.

*/1 * * * * php -q /nextcloud_path/occ activity:send-mails

When the 1 is minute for send notification.