Relocation: cannot change/delete overwrite parameters

I had a site running with a subdirectory and working on relocate to Though I deleted the parameters overwritehost and overwriteweb (and changed to “” some time) the call to still redirects to Looking at occ config:list also shows these parameters. I tried occ config:system:delete overwritehost/overwriteweb but it does not change the occ config:list output.

How can I get rid of these parameters? 29.0.4 container built from GitHub - nextcloud/docker: ⛴ Docker image of Nextcloud (29/apache).

You can try in the private mode, perhaps the normal browser windows still has old versions in cache.

I’d use a redirect on the webserver, e.g. on nginx something like this:

location ~ ^/nextcloud/(.*) {
    return 301 /$1;


Unfortunately it does not have any effect to this.

I can also see a location header with directly from the nextcloud server. And this corresponds to the parameters in occ config:list

If these parameters differ from your config.php, then you have a second setup somewhere and you change the wrong config.php

Thought about this too of course. Global grep through the whole /var/www/html - no other hit than on this special config.php. Is there any other hidden persistence than on config.php? I looked at the database dump and there is nothing.

Ahem, found the error. It is a container. And how do we put parameters to a container? Right: Environment variables, OVERWRITE… were set.

That’s it. Working somehow now with the right url. Looks like I just needed to talk about :wink:

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