I had a site running with a subdirectory https://my.site.de/nextcloud/ and working on relocate to https://nc.site.de. Though I deleted the parameters overwritehost and overwriteweb (and changed to “” some time) the call to https://nc.site.de/ still redirects to https://my.site.de/nextcloud/. Looking at occ config:list also shows these parameters. I tried occ config:system:delete overwritehost/overwriteweb but it does not change the occ config:list output.
Unfortunately it does not have any effect to this.
I can also see a location header with https://my.site.de/nextcloud/ directly from the nextcloud server. And this corresponds to the parameters in occ config:list
Thought about this too of course. Global grep through the whole /var/www/html - no other hit than on this special config.php. Is there any other hidden persistence than on config.php? I looked at the database dump and there is nothing.