Really slow upload in hosted Nextcloud

Hello everyone!

I’ve bought a Nexcloud hosting plan at Hetzner, after being a year using oCloud. Despite all this time using this amazing cloud sync system, I’ve not realized until now how slow uploads are.

No matter if I’m using Nexcloud Linux sync app (both from Manjaro and Mint) or if I’m using web upload, max speed is around 5 mbps, while download can reach 96 mbps.

I use a 100 mbps symmetric connection, so that is not the problem. What’s more, Dropbox or Mega upload speeds are amazing (up to 90 mbps).

I’d like to know if this is a common Nextcloud’s issue or if is there any kind of problem with both Hetzner and Ocloud. I’ve opened a ticket to them in order to review the case but I’d like to know Nextcloud’s community opinion.

Thanks for reading :grinning:

As you can see, this is unacceptable. Dropbox would just take hours… But I’d hate to use Dropbox.

It’s not due to some limitation in Nextcloud. It could be a lot of things, for example your hosting provider could have you on a cheap SAN with some SATA RAID-6…

If you put a file on the server and then copy it at the console, do you get good write speed? For example:

dd if=/dev/null of=test.bin bs=1m count=4000 cp test.bin test2.bin

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Also if you move your mouse pointer to the line between “Nextcloud” and “12 dia(s)…” you will see actual upload speed and files that are in progress now.


I keep having the same problem. Both from desktop and Android, with several providers (owncube, hetzner, wölki, and Upload speed only reaches 1.9 MB/s.

I do love Nextcloud, but this thing kills me. Do you know any good Nextcloud provider that works fine?